Tuesday, June 4, 2013


ted cruz speaking floor Ted Cruz Wants To Eliminate The IRS; Democrats Balk

  • evil-google-logo Judge Orders Google To Be Evil
    June 4, 2013
    Kerry: U.S. Will Sign Arms Trade Treaty
    More than 65 nations have added signatures to the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty since it opened for ratification yesterday. Though Obama did not yet add his signature of approval, State Secretary John Kerry did confirm yesterday that the U.S. will sign the treaty.

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    Maryland v. King and the Total Loss of Our Bodily Integrity
    Thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court’s devastating decision in Maryland v. King—in which a divided Court determined that a person arrested for a crime who is supposed to be presumed innocent until proven guilty must submit to forcible extraction of their DNA—you can add invasive DNA sampling to the list of abuses being “legally” meted out on the long-suffering American populace.

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    Senators on GO8 Plan: ‘Americans expect their government to end the lawlessness, not surrender to it.’
    Several members of the Senate Judiciary Committee today sent a letter to their fellow Senators regarding the Gang of Eight immigration reform bill and its ongoing problems. Senators Ted Cruz (R-Tx), Chuck Grassley (R-Ia), Mike Lee (R-Ut), and Jeff Sessions (R-Al) state that the Senate Committee had multiple chances to amend and improve the bill during markup, but failed to do so in order to satisfy back-room deals that were arrived at before the meetings took place.

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    IRS abuse confirms government untrustworthy, says gun law expert
    Of the numerous scandals emanating from the administration of President Barack Obama, the alleged targeting of Tea Party groups, conservative organizations and gun-rights associations by the Internal Revenue Service appears to outrage a majority of Americans across the political spectrum, an expert on the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment said on Sunday. “The IRS scandal [proves that] you can’t trust government,” said gun rights expert and police advisor John M. Snyder.

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    You’re Doing it Wrong
    Following another loss to Barack Obama, there has been a lot of hand-wringing within the Republican Party ruling class about attracting minorities to the party, which is long overdue if you ask me. Over the years I’ve interviewed almost every minority conservative I could find, and the list of them that have been earnestly reached out to and/or assisted by the Republican Party leadership apparatus is a real, real small one. That’s because the Republican Party ruling class is doing it wrong.

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    A Medieval Tale: King Obama & Queen Pelosi vs Ye Commoners
    Lady Palin gets it! Sarah Palin just gave $5,000 – the maximum amount allowed by law – to a candidate in a critically important race. So who is this candidate and why is this race so important? Allow me to explain in the form of a medieval tale.

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    The Liberal Onslaught Against Kelly Ayotte/font>
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    Renewable energy’s reversal of fortune
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    Federal Power Grab: Standing Army and Civil Disturbances
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    Easy fix to IRS corruption
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    Americans feeling the pain of the lefts misguided energy policies
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    Petition: Tell Congress to AUDIT the I.R.S.! Select Here

    Petition: Tell Senators to OPPOSE the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty! Select Here

    Petition: Tell Congress to OPPOSE Biometric Database! Select Here

    Petition: Tell Congress to Secure the Borders First! Select Here

    Petition: Tell Congress to Create a Joint Select Committee to INVESTIGATE the 9/11/12 Benghazi Attacks! Select Here

    Petition: Tell your State Government to NULLIFY federal gun-control bills! Select Here

    Petition: Tell Congress to Stop “Free” Taxpayer Funded Cell Phones! Select Here

    Petition: Tell U.S. Senators to Oppose Confirmation of McCarthy to Head E.P.A. Select Here

    Petition: House Conservatives Must Vote Down Rules On All Government-Growing Legislation! Select Here

    Petition: Tell Congress to PASS Sen. Ted Cruz' "Obamacare Repeal Act!" Select Here

    Fax: Tell Congress to Defund the Police State! Select Here

    Petition: Tell Congress to Investigate and Defund West Point's Center for Combating Terrorism! Select Here

    Petition: Tell Congress to Support S. 201 to STOP Military Aid to Egypt! Select Here

    Fax: Tell Congress to Investigate the 9/11/12 Benghazi Attack Select Here

    Petition: Tell Congress to Keep Presidential Term Limits, Oppose H.J. Res. 15 Select Here

    Petition: Tell Congress They Are Responsible for the Outcome of Increased Gun Control! Select Here

    Petition: Tell Congress to Reject the Feinstein, Lautenberg, and Schumer Gun-control Bills! Select Here

    Petition: Tell Congress to Oppose Online Sales Taxes! Select Here

    Petition: Tell Congress to REFUSE the U.N. Gun Treaty Select Here

    "I Believe in the Right to Secede" (Petition) Select Here

    Petition: Tell Congress "No United Nations Internet Control" Select Here

    Petition: Tell Congress to Investigate the Benghazi Attack! Select Here

    Petition: Tell Congress to Re-Evaluate U.S. Foreign Aid Select Here

    Petition: Send your Representative, Senators, and Obama the full US Constitution and the Bill of Rights! Select Here

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