Thursday, June 6, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

Wednesday, June 5th 

Blaming IRS Victims
Yesterday's IRS hearings in Congress were some of the most riveting I've seen. Hearing from those who were the victims of IRS targeting was heartbreaking and frustrating. One of the more moving testimonies came from Alabama Tea Party leader Becky Gerritson. You can see her entire statement here, but it reads in part: “I’m not here as a serf or a vassal. I’m not begging my lords for mercy. I’m a born free American woman. Wife, mother, and citizen. And I’m telling my government that you’ve forgotten your place.”

Something amazing happened during that hearing. Democrat Rep. Jim McDermott flipped the argument and actually suggested that it was the fault of the IRS victims for being targeted. Seriously! Why the attempt to spin it away from the IRS and from Washington? Well that's an easy one: “A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released late Tuesday shows 55 percent believe the IRS targeting of conservative groups raised questions about the administration’s 'overall honesty and integrity.'” Even NBC News reported this morning about the “ominous” signs among Obama's approval ratings due to these scandals, including just a 29% approval rating among independents. These scandals are making an impact with the American public and damaging the credibility of the White House.

Epic Anti-Obama Rant
There are times when short and sweet are the most appropriate and this is definitely one of those times. It only took one minute for Congressman Jim Bridenstine of Oklahoma to sum up each and every one of Barack Obama's failures. Check out this outspoken, definitive indictment of Obama. It’s spot on. Check out this rant here
Susan Rice Gets Promoted
Today we received stunning news that UN Ambassador Susan Rice is being promoted to White House national security adviser. This is in light of surprising news that current White House national security adviser Tom Donilon is stepping down. With Rice's position at the United Nations opening up, former White House aide and human rights advocate Samantha Power will be nominated to be our next ambassador to the United Nations. The reaction to Rice's promotion has been mixed. Many people, including myself, see this as nothing more than a thumb in the eye or a slap in the face from this administration. They seem to be in the habit of promoting people who are somehow steeped in controversy. Another example that comes to mind is Sarah Hall Ingram, the former head of the IRS' tax-exempt division who is now in charge of the IRS' Obama Care office. Here's one final though t I want you to think about: How do you feel knowing that Susan Rice is essentially in charge of our national security?

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums
Ruh Roh - US Job Creation Best in Five Years - Posted by Alanturing
Look at this Gallup poll. Well well well. Barry's economic marxist takeover is taking hold. The regime is working diligently to end employment for the communist takeover. I'm sure this is just a coincidence this is occurring under Barry's rule. Long live the great one. #sarcasm


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