Monday, July 22, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

Monday, July 22 

Obama Pivots to the Economy (Again)
The president is pivoting back to the economy … again. This is not the first time he's tried to do this. It's not even the second. In fact, according to the Washington Examiner, this is the eighth time Barack Obama has pivoted back to the economy. Will eighth time be the charm? Doubtful. What exactly does he plan to do about our stagnant economy? Give more speeches! Even the New York Times describes this as a “campaign-style tour.” That's what he seems to do best. On Wednesday, Obama will be giving two economic speeches at Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois and at University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg, Missouri. What can we expect from these speeches? Absolutely nothing new. White House officials have already stated that these speeches will not offer any proposal or approaches. Oh excellent, so this is just another excuse for Obama to claim the spotlight to highlight his incredible speaking skills? Some reports suggest that these speeches will take on a more populist tone, similar to the speech he made in 2011 in Osawatomie, Kansas. So last week Obama managed to stoke the racial fire and this week he will work on fueling the class warfare fire. This is nothing more than community agitation, not leadership.

How The Speeches Are Spun
I love how Obama's senior advisor Dan Pfeiffer frames these speeches. He wrote in a mass email sent out yesterday, “The president thinks Washington has largely taken its eye off the ball on the most important issue facing the country.” Oh, so when Obama was gallivanting around the country talking about gun control, immigration, sequestration, gay marriage, that was all Washington's fault? Pfeiffer goes on to say in his email, “Instead of talking about how to help the middle class, too many in Congress are trying to score political points, re-fight old battles, and trump up phony scandals.” Phony scandals? If the administration believes that the IRS targeting, the NSA, Benghazi or the DOJ snooping on reporters are all “phony scandals,” then we have a real problem on our hands. They are phony only to those involved and to those who have a vested interest in making sure that they go away. Bu t to the American people, these scandals demonstrate a blatant abuse of power and the American people deserve the truth. After all, government works for us, remember? To call these scandals “phony” is to call the concerns of millions Americans imaginary. We cannot accept that.
The Real Agenda
Supposedly President Obama is giving these speeches as a way to set the stage for budget and debt ceiling debates that will take place this fall. In other words, the battle over our nation's fiscal future is upon us. Based on what's I've read thus far, it doesn't seem as though Obama's economic strategy has changed: Demand the rich pay more taxes and push for more government spending. If Obama really wants to talk about the economy, why doesn't he start with a discussion on the perverse effects his health care bill is having on jobs and opportunity? Last week I explained to you the effect that Obama Care is having on businesses and hiring. We are becoming a part-time society, partly due to the economic consequences associated with Obama Care. When 74% of small businesses say that they plan to fire workers or cut hours due to Obama Care, THAT'S a problem. Yet I guarantee that this will not be a part of Obama's class-warfare campaign over the next few weeks. The bottom line is that Barack Obama doesn't know how to grow our economy or create jobs. His eighth pivot to jobs won't be any more successful than his previous seven, unless he tries a new approach. But that doesn't seem to be the case. Instead we can expect him to double-down on his tired tax-and-spend solutions and use the bully-pulpit to gin up class warfare anxieties.

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Headlines
Sean, Please Talk About Something Other Than the Zimmerman Case - Posted by FiscalConservative
I've had enough.  I'm done listening until something else becomes the dominant topic.  I'm ready for Sean to change the topic!

>>TV Tonight (9pm ET on Fox News)
Zimmerman alternate juror E-54 joins Sean for his first national television interview.

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