Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

Tuesday, July 9th

ObamaCare Is A Train Wreck
When the majority of Americans don't like a bill, and the people who made it law admit it is a "train wreck," why the heck are we wasting time and energy trying to implement it? The disaster that is ObamaCare has continued to unravel. Last week, the Obama administration admitted to major setbacks in the implementation of ObamaCare. The first was the delay of the employer mandate. If you will recall, any company with over 50 employees will be forced under ObamaCare to offer health insurance to full-time employees or face a penalty. Last week the administration determined that it wouldn't have the proper infrastructure in place to enforce this mandate, so it delayed it until 2015. There are a few interesting things to note related to the employer mandate delay...( more)

White House "Reviewing" Coup In Egypt
The situation in Egypt is quickly becoming another example of Barack Obama's failed leadership. But honestly, what else have we come to expect from this president? Coup or no coup, Egypt still has a long way to go in order to restore stability and peace. The role America will play, or should play, in restoring that stability remains to be debated. As of today, the Muslim Brotherhood has rejected the proposed timetable for amending the constitution and holding a new presidential election early next year. There's a real shocker. What incentive do they really have to agree? They had power and the Americans were supportive of it. Now they don't have power and America is essentially leading from behind...( more)
Collusion: How the Media Stole the 2012 Election
Brent Bozell, founder and president of the Media Research Center, the Conservative Communications Center, and the Cybercast News Service joined Sean in the final hour of Tuesday's show to talk about his new book, "Collusion: How the Media Stole the 2012 Election...and How to Stop Them from Doing it in 2016." Never before has the so-called mainstream media shown such naked political bias as in the 2012 presidential election. In 2012 Barack Obama was narrowly reelected, with naked support from a liberal media desperate to hide his failures, trumpet his accomplishments, and discredit his GOP rivals. Bachmann, Perry, Cain, Gingrich, Santorum: one by one the media took them apart using hidden-camera exposes, innuendo from anonymous accusers, repetition of harmful sound bites, and irrelevant - even untrue - storytelling. As soon as Mitt Romney emerged as the Republican Party's nominee, the liberal media went to work in earnest. They repeated Obama's campaign caricatures that Romney terrified his family dog, enjoyed firing people, and was nothing more than a willing tool of wealthy radical - right extremists. Unquestionably, 2012 was the year when the liberal news media did all in their power to steal the presidential election - and they arguably succeeded. In "Collusion" Bozell provides the dramatic and conclusive evidence to prove this point - and show conservatives how to put an end to the leftist media agenda threatening democracy itself. Click here to learn more about Bozell's new book "Collusion."

Today's "Hot Topic" On The Hannity Forums:
IRS Posts Up To 100,000 SSNs on Web - komobu
So the IRS now posts up to 100,000 SSNs on the web, but don't worry because they pulled them due to an "Abundance of Caution" I am so glad they are looking out for me. I think they should be disbanded. All they are is a conduit for our morally bankrupt politicians to spend funds to buy votes using other peoples money.

>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 9pm ET):
The judge rules Trayvon Martin's toxicology report can be used in court. How will this shape the case? Plus should the president have the power to determine what laws to enforce and what laws to ignore? Rep. Eric Cantor reacts. And Brent Bozell joins Sean for his weekly media mash.

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