Monday, June 16, 2014


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Michelle Malkin 23
Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for June 16th. Enjoy!

From the Blog

Obama slams climate change ‘deniers’ before firing up Air Force One to go play golf

Air Force One is now solar-powered, right? Actually, no...

Anybody buy this one? IRS says over two years worth of Lois Lerner emails are lost

I’m guessing that the computer and hard drive Lerner had been using has been “accidentally” dropped into the Mariana Trench by now, so as far as getting those emails, Camp should check with the NSA. If that’s a dead-end try Snowden...

Jan Brewer begs Boehner, Reid to stop border ‘crisis manufactured by President Obama’

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer sent a letter (PDF) to John Boehner and Harry Reid imploring them to do something about the Obama administration’s open door policy at the border that’a already turned multiple U.S. military bases into holding pens...

More From the Right Side of the Web

What Happened To MH370? Everyone Knows - Theoretically
In the absence of hard evidence, speculation has flourished. Explanations range from believable to bizarre.
Is MH370 Disappearance A Pilot Suicide?
According to one theory, the pilot or co-pilot intentionally took down the plane. Can more be done to ensure passenger safety?
MH370: We May Have To Accept That We'll Never Have Answers
The mystery of the missing Malaysia Airlines flight may never be solved, despite a massive search effort and millions of dollars spent.
US To Evacuate Some Workers From Embassy As 15 Are Killed In Iraqi Capital
The Iraqi military has reportedly stopped the advance of ISIS north of Baghdad, but the US is moving personnel out.
Thousands Rally To Hold Baghdad Against ISIS
Baghdad residents are heartened for what they interpret as promises of help from the U.S. and Iran.
In Erbil, Safe Haven From ISIS
Syrian Regime Is Working With Iraq To Fight ISIS
Inside ISIS-Controlled Iraq, Sunnis Prefer Jihadists To Government
Renewed Fighting In Benghazi Hinders Peace Efforts
Gas Cutoff Looms As No Progress Report In Gazprom-Naftogaz Talks

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