Monday, October 14, 2013


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Photo credit: Jensen Sutta Photography
Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for October 14th. Enjoy!

From the Blog

‘Million Vets March’ in DC proves again barricading memorials an exercise in futility

Question: How long did this “Barry-cade” at the World War II Memorial hold up at the start of today’s “Million Vet March” in D.C.?

Senate Dems reject proposal from noted right-wing extremists Susan Collins and Joe Manchin

Obama, Reid and Pelosi will continue to blame the Tea Party wing of the GOP for not cooperating with the “mainstream” members of Congress, such as Democrats Harry Reid and John McCain...

Classic: MSNBC president wants investigation into ‘impossible’ ratings of Fox News

This is pretty funny...

More From the Right Side of the Web

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