Friday, April 24, 2015


Another Bad Week for Hillary
It's the close of Hillary's second week on the campaign trail. If we thought last week was a disaster, you could describe this week as a colossal disaster.

The revelations revealed this week involving the Clinton Foundation are nothing short of bombshells.

Among the biggest revelation was the Russian uranium deal, which was explained in detail by the New York Times. These are the same Russians that are now supply nuclear supplies to none other than Iran. Anyway, yesterday I also outlined a few more stories surrounding the Clinton Foundation that broke this week.

Amazingly enough, on the same day that the New York Times publishes this piece, Chelsea Clinton dodged questions about the Clinton Foundation while Hillary simply ignored the issue while at public events in New York City.

At some point, Clinton absolutely must address this issue. It's simply too big to ignore. She's running for the highest office in the most powerful country in the world. She must answer for the dubious nature of the actions of her foundation and how that impacted her decisions as Secretary of State.

It is audacious to the point of offensive that the Clintons thought that they could get away with this without having to answer for it. We will see if the media will ultimately hold her accountable. She simply can't skirt around the issue for the next 18 months unless a complicit media allows it.
Tax Freedom Day!
April 15th may be Tax Day, but April 24th is national Tax Freedom Day for 2015.

This means that all of the hard work that you've done and the money you've earned up until this day has gone to the government.

For the rest of the year, you'll finally be earning money for you and your family.

The number is calculated by the Tax Foundation and changes depending on where you live. Higher state tax burdens in states like Connecticut, for example, put Tax Freedom Day on May 13, 2015.

According to the Tax Foundation, Americans in 2015 will spend more on their federal and state taxes than they will on housing, clothing and food combined.

And yet we still continue to rack up federal debt because the government can't responsibly spend our money. We are now sitting on $18 trillion worth of debt and $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities.

If you listen to Democrats, they will tell you that this is because wealthy Americans and corporations don't pay their fair share in taxes. Obama often opines that the rich don't pay “their fair share.” Hillary Clinton has been on the campaign trail lamenting the fact that “the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top.”

They are echoing the populist feelings of many Americans. According to recent Pew Research polling, “64% [of Americans] say they are bothered a lot by the feeling that some corporations do not pay their fair share of taxes, and 61% say the same about some wealthy people failing to pay their fair share.”

But the fact is that the bottom 50% of tax payers pay about 3% of all federal income taxes! Compare that to the top 1% of taxpayers, who earn about 18% of the income but pay over 37% of the federal income tax burden.

It's clear that class warfare will continue to be a popular mantra for the Democrats. Meanwhile, we have a serious crisis mounting. Between our growing federal debt and a looming explosion of entitlement payouts, we simply can't afford it all.

Taxing the rich isn't a solution; there simply isn't enough money. Yet until GOP comes up with bold ideas and inspired leadership and can convince America that we need tax reform, I'm afraid that Tax Freedom Day will continue to be pushed later and later for millions of hardworking Americans.

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