Monday, December 16, 2013


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Lie Of The Year
The verdict is in: 2013's biggest "Lie of the Year," according to PolitiFact, is Barack Obama's promise that if we liked our healthcare plan, we could keep our healthcare plan.

We know for a fact that this was a lie, even though there are still some on the Left and within the administration who try to convince us otherwise. But the fact is that the administration knew in 2010 that millions of Americans would lose their coverage and the decision was made for political purposes to continue to tout that promise nonetheless. It was purposeful deception on a level we've rarely seen. This lie may not just be the biggest lie for 2013, but one that could go down in the history books for this nation.

We must also realize that the promise that we could keep our health insurance plans isn't the only lie associated with ObamaCare. We also can't keep our doctors, our medication coverage and it definitely won't cost less, as Obama once promised. It also won't reduce the national debt. Nearly every promise associated with ObamaCare will not turn out to be true.

Let's also not forget that it wasn't just Obama and his administration who touted these facts about ObamaCare, but a lot of Democrats did as well.

We've seen what these lies, along with the disastrous roll-out of the exchanges, have done to Obama's approval ratings. He is at record level lows in terms of his approval, and Americans no longer view the president at honest or trustworthy. That's a big problem for someone who still have three years left to govern.

The bottom line is that Obama and this administration lied to us about the true nature of ObamaCare. Then their lie became infuriating when coupled with an incompetent roll-out of the exchanges. Now Obama and the Democrats are stuck with a major PR headache but most importantly, millions of Americans are now suffering the consequences under this law.
More ObamaCare Headlines
Can you believe that ObamaCare has been in effect for over two months, and yet it continues to dominate the headlines? That speaks to the overwhelming disaster this has become for this nation. It should also speak to the political disaster it will be for Democrats. Here are some of the latest stories related to ObamaCare.

The House Oversight Committee has a report out today on ObamaCare navigators. According to Rep. Darrell Issa, "poorly-trained Navigators gave consumers incorrect information about the health care exchanges, violated HHS rules and procedures, and even encouraged applicants to commit tax fraud in some instances." Also keep in mind that the possibility remains that these navigators have not undergone background checks and there is no way to check and see if they are certified...more
Today's "Hot Topic" On The Hannity Forums:
Uhh....when has this happened? - Hyperion5182
Ok was listening to my favorite morning show they start talking about a poll that got announced yesterday. From Rasmussen... I'm going to not bother with embroidery and just put this out there.
>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 10pm ET):
Reps. Darrell Issa and Pete Sessions react to the investigation into ObamaCare navigators. Plus Ann Coulter weighs in on the Colorado high school shooting. And an exclusive first look at Dr. Marc Siegel's interview with former Vice President Dick Cheney.

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