Thursday, December 26, 2013


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Bug-Out Kit
Do you have a bug-out kit?  Top financial advisor and Forbes contributor, David John Marotta mentioned on his popular blog that people should consider a "bug-out bag" which will be used when the economy in the United States fails.  Partially exaggerating, Marotta wrote, "The growing debt and deficit spending is a tax on those holding dollars."  He's absolutely right!  At the rate we're spending in Washington it really is a question of when, not if, our economy will simply devalue the dollar to the point it is no longer worth anything.  At that point, money will be far less valuable than a can of beans.  If you don't believe Marotta, take a minute and talk to someone who lived during the Great Depression.

We Are Ready To Rule! - From Neal Boortz
I'm desperately afraid for the future of this country.  His dog walker, Valerie Jarrett, who guides Obama through his each and every day, said just days before Obama took office, "Obama would be 'ready to rule from day one'" and that's been their attitude since the beginning.  How many of you knew you elected a monarch?  Look what Obama is doing?  He's out of control, the debt is out of control and we need to put a stop to this!  I've written about this many times before and you can see Valerie Jarrett's comments here if you need proof of this Constitutional nightmare!
Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums Ted Cruz Is Looking Really Smart - Posted by Cratic3947
As the polls indicate, the people are figuring out that Obama care is a bad program, and thus republicans are looking take more seats in congress. There is one thing the average voters certainly knows, that reps are against Obama care and wanted to repeal it. And it's because of Ted Cruz that they do. He used the media against itself to have that message broadcast over and over again for weeks. Brilliant! Not to mention just having his name repeated over and over as being a Republican, thus showing Hispanics that they are welcome in the rep party, and that at least part of the party still stands for small govt and personal liberty.

>>TV Tonight (10PM ET on Fox News)
'Hannity' ranks the biggest stories of 2013. Who were the winners and who were the losers? A powerful studio audience tackles the year's biggest headlines

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