Tuesday, January 21, 2014


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Hi everyone! Here's the MichelleMalkin.com newsletter for January 21st. Enjoy!

From the Blog

John Kerry, jihad coddler

The myth of the poor, oppressed jihadist never dies. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is the latest Obama administration official to peddle this odious narrative. Cue John Lennon’s cloying “Imagine,” don your plaid pajamas, and curl up with a warm cup of deadly naivete...

Tight cell phone control at Michelle Obama’s 50th birthday bash

Attendees should have seen it coming, because the sign outside said “if you like your phone you can keep your phone”...

Dueling Headlines; ‘Obama says Al Qaeda is junior varsity and not like Kobe Bryant’ edition

In an interview with The New Yorker, President Obama made a curious comparison in an attempt to dismiss the influence of Al Qaeda...

Taxpayer-supported Academy Award nominee of the day

There are two things that many in Hollywood often preach against: 1) “Greedy” Wall Streeters who don’t “share the wealth” during the good times and then leave taxpayers holding the bag when things go bad; And 2) Tax breaks for the rich...

Stop Common Core Must-Read of the Day

I've followed math teacher Barry Garelick's work for years. His in-the-trenches perspective on the corruption of math education is invaluable. If you are a parent, educator, school board member, or activist in the fight against Common Core/Fed Ed/Fuzzy Math, you need this book now!

More From the Right Side of the Web

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