Friday, January 10, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Year of Action Barack Obama has promised that 2014 will be "a year of action."  You'd think he'd know better than to make promises to the American people.  After all, he doesn't have a good track record of keeping them. He made this comment while announcing five new Promise Zones, "where citizens, governments, businesses and non-profits will work together to 'remake' communities so more children can grow up to be educated, productive adults," according to CNS News. It shouldn't take the government to do that.  Any community that wants to survive would naturally make the choices necessary for it to thrive.  The problem is that a key pillar for many of these communities - jobs - do not exist.  He's putting the cart before the free-market horse.
Abysmal Jobs Report
Did you see the jobs report today?  It was absolutely abysmal.  Only 74,000 jobs were created in December, well short of the expected 200,000, yet the unemployment rate fell to 6.7%.  This is because 347,000 Americans dropped out of the labor force, bringing the labor force participation rate to a paltry 62.8%, which is a level we haven't seen since 1978.  Despite what some news outlets may say, this isn't just because of the weather. According to James Pethokoukis, "If the participation rate had stayed steady the past 12 months, the jobless rate would be 7.9%."  If the labor force participation rate was the same as it was when the recession ended in June 2009, the current unemployment rate would be over 10%.  There are now over 90 million Americans no longer in the labor force. Obama's economic recovery has been the worst in recent history, yet don't expect Obama to take responsibility for this fact.  To do so would essentially admit the failures of liberal economics.  But Obama doesn't have to admit it for it to be true, nor does he have to say it in order for the rest of America to realize that Obama's policies are failing.
<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border='0' alt='' /></a>
Outrageous: Chris Matthews
It's a new year, but some pundits are already recycling old material.  While many of his MSNBC colleagues have run into recent trouble - Alec Baldwin, Martin Bashir - Chris Matthews consistently manages to escape scrutiny.  Matthews' first rant of the year was an over-the-top comparison of Republicans to racists of the Jim Crow days.  Watch what he said! When Matthews refers to the people who showed up to vote in 2010, you can assume that he is specifically referencing the Tea Party.  I would challenge anyone to show me an legitimate example of any Tea Partier expressing racist or anti-black policy proposals.  Just because some Americans do not agree with Barack Obama doesn't make them racists, it just means that they recognize how his liberal policies are destroying the country they so dearly love.

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums
Just Ignore Federal Law - Posted by Cratic3947
It's what the states are doing with pot laws and what Obama does to Obama Care and immigration, so why not just ignore federal laws you don't like....?

>>TV Tonight (10PM ET on Fox News) Did Governor Christie approach his scandal the right way?  

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