Friday, January 31, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Outrageous: MSNBC's Tweet 
The leftwing network of NBC News is under fire again for a controversial tweet aimed right at the GOP. The offending tweet was about a heartwarming Super Bowl commercial by Cheerios.  The tweet read as follows: "Maybe the rightwing will hate it, but everyone else will go awww: the adorable new #Cheerios ad w/ biracial family [link]." MSNBC was later forced to apologize for the tweet, deleted it from their Twitter account and fired the person responsible for posting it.  But is that enough?  RNC Chairman Reince Priebus sent a letter to MSNBC President Phil Griffin demanding a personal and public apology.  He also banned all RNC staff from appearing on the network, and encouraged Republican politicians to follow suit.  Griffin did later apologize to Priebus and everyone offended.  Last night on Hannity, Priebus called the apology a good "first step."

MSNBC Isn't The Only One
Priebus pointed out that this is hardly the first time something like this has happened.  He said in his original letter, "This is more than just a tweet or an offhand comment. This is part of a pattern of behavior that has gotten markedly worse, and until Phil Griffin personally apologizes and takes corrective action, we cannot be part of this network's toxic programming." He's absolutely right.  This tweet is just one of the many comments made by the network, particularly over the last few months, targeting conservatives.  From Martin Bashir to Chris Matthews to Melissa Harris-Perry, it seems as though conservatives are becoming a consistent target of denigration.  If anyone disagrees with the president, it has become protocol to label them as "racist."  Remember when Melissa Harris-Perry proclaimed "ObamaCare" to be the new "N-word?"  Or how about when she belittled Mitt Romney's adopted grandson (who happens to be black)? It's no wonder that new polling from Public Policy Polling finds that MSNBC ranks near the bottom of media outlets Americans trust most for news. The attempt to stereotype conservatives is backfiring.  We'll see if this episode will be enough to change the pattern of offensive anti-conservative rants we've come to expect.
Keystone XL Pipeline
I firmly believe that one of the key factors in getting our economy moving, creating jobs and relieving ourselves of dependence on foreign countries is to explore the vast energy resources we have right here in America.  This is why energy is a part of my Conservative Solutions Caucus, which you can read about here. While the president loves to take credit for the recent boom in domestic energy production, he fails to tell you that this is entirely because of private enterprise on private lands.  The government is only getting in the way, and it is not fueling the energy boom by opening up its own lands for energy exploration. One of the hot-button issues when it comes to energy is the Keystone XL Pipeline.  The fact that we are unable to finish and utilize this pipeline is purely because of the influence of lobbyists and environmentalists in Washington.  Jobs and energy come second to the political clout of these groups.  Notice that when Obama spoke about oil and energy in his State of the Union address, he did not mention the Keystone XL Pipeline. An environmental analysis from the State Department is about to be released followed by a 90-day review period.  During this time the Obama administration will have to determine if the pipeline is a project of national interest.  According to Fox News, government officials believe "the review would probably disappoint Keystone opponents who say the pipeline would carry 'dirty oil' that contributes to global warming."  We will know within 90 days whether the president is serious about creating jobs and harnessing our energy capabilities.

Today's "Hot Topic" From The Hannity Forums:
WellPoint Rises On Report of ObamaCare Enrollees - Posted by JimmyC123
It's an interesting article. Enrollment running ahead of the company's expectations. Demographics of those getting insurance are inline with their expectations.   

 >>TV Tonight (10PM ET on Fox News)
Sean returns from Super Bowl Boulevard!  

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