Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Red State Recruitment
Texas Governor Rick Perry is in New York City today meeting with business owners.  He's doing this to try and lure more businesses to his state.  He has a very compelling case to be made, as do many red states throughout our nation. Texas is an example of a red state with a warm climate, no income tax  and a friendly regulatory business environment.  It's also rich in energy resources.  As a result, almost half of the new jobs created during our economic “recovery” were created in Texas alone. Texas isn't the only success story for conservative principles being implemented in states and causing economic growth.  Florida Governor Rick Scott has brought Florida's unemployment rate down significantly, with over 700,000 jobs created in his state.  Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker managed to turn things around in his state and now has a $1 billion budget surplus.  Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley are conservatives seeing similar success in their states.  A business owner in New York City would be hard-pressed to find a reason not to move to a place like Texas when faced with the economic opportunities available.  Conservative principles work and the success of these red states and these Republican governors is a testament to that.
Government Bonuses
The IRS has got to be one of the most backwards government agencies in Washington D.C. Obviously we have the outrage surrounding its targeting of tea party conservative groups.  We're still waiting for the truth on that one. But now we have a report which shows that IRS employees who engaged in job-related misconduct, misused government credit cards and even failed to pay their own taxes received bonuses! Almost $3 million in bonuses and more than 27,000 hours in time-off awards were doled out to IRS employees who clearly didn't deserve rewards. How is it possible that over 1,000 IRS employees could fail to properly file their taxes to the very agency for which they work?  And then they are rewarded with bonuses?  This is absurd.  Forget accountability; these people are rewarded!  That would never fly in the private sector. You can read more about the report on Jamie Dupree's blog.
Big Government Continues
At the same time, the IRS is complaining that its budget cuts are going to lead to poorer customer service.  Are you kidding me? But the IRS isn't the only agency doling out questionable money to its employees.  Let's take a look at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.  This was the agency in charge of the ObamaCare rollout and the disastrous website.  Information obtained by the Washington Examiner reveals that employees at this agency actually received raises during this time, despite the awful rollout of ObamaCare. These are just two agencies among the hundreds at the federal level alone.  You can only imagine that other agencies are giving out similar bonuses and raises.  That's not to say that some people aren't doing a good job and aren't worthy, but it's outrageous to see that two agencies that have performed so poorly over the last few years felt that they were deserving of more taxpayer money.
>>TV Tonight (10PM ET on Fox News)
There are some really crazy cases where the government has actually taken taxpayer land. Sean has some great examples.

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