Monday, April 21, 2014


Case You Didn't Notice
Happy New Year America
Here is what happened on January 1st 2014:
Top Income tax bracket went from 35% to 39.6%
Top Income payroll tax went from 37.4% to 52.2%
Capital Gains tax went from 15% to 28%
Dividends tax went from 15% to 39.6%
Estate tax went from 0% to 55%
Remember this fact: if you have money, the democrats want it.
These taxes were all passed only with democrat votes, no republicans
voted for these taxes.
These taxes were all passed under the affordable care act,
aka Obamacare.
Everyone in the U.S. who works for their money should know this.
Slaviansk Attack Kills 3, Jeopardizes Geneva Pact
The deaths were the first in armed clashes in eastern Ukraine since a deal was struck in Geneva on Thursday.
GM Takes On VW In China With $12B
GM plans to build five more plants in China next year to increase manufacturing capacity there by 65 percent by 2020.
South Korean President Says Ferry Crew's Actions Amount To Murder
A transcript of the communication between the sinking ferry, Sewol, and the Jindo coast guard reveals confusion.
Malaysia To Issue Death Certificates For MH370 Passengers
An underwater drone scouring the Indian Ocean for the missing plane turned up nothing after its eighth mission Monday.
Ukrainian Journalist Irma Krat Arrested By Separatists For 'War Crimes'
Irma Krat's arrest may be in retaliation for violence last night that pro-Russian's blame on Euromaidan "fascists."
Why Kraft Is Recalling 96,000 Pounds Of Wieners
New Cancer Drugs Make Tumors Drug Resistant, More Aggressive
Japan Builds Controversial Radar Station Near Disputed Islands
Tech Workers Seek To Allow Steve Jobs Evidence In Trial
Record Turnout Midway Through India's Elections

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