Friday, May 30, 2014


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Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
A Little Advice!
Here’s some advice for Conservatives everywhere.  We can’t be the party of ObamaCare sucks.  Now, by the way, ObamaCare does suck and I am frustrated.  That’s why I started my “Get America Back to Work” campaign.  There really needs to be an inspiring alternative in America where we can honestly say, “If you entrust us with power we are going to provide; sensible energy policies, secure the borders, control spending and offer school choice and all of the other things we spend every day advocating for. “  The polls are showing that Conservatives may win but nobody is really excited for the candidates.  We need to get our act together and inspire people because right now, nobody thinks that Conservatives have all the answers. There’s good news, Conservatives are already talking about a new Contract with America but I wouldn’t even make it ten items, I’d make it five and really hammer it home. 
Energy is the Key
I’ve talked about it many times but I really do have the key to America’s future and it lies right under our feet.   It’s energy!  Energy is the panacea; it is the answer to our problems.  Energy gets people to work, it gets homes built, it gives people a career trajectory, and it gives our economy a boost.  Energy lessens our dependency on foreign oil and then we can tell the Saudi’s to shove it.  I’d like to tell the Saudi’s to shove it, they hate our guts and yet we make them billionaires!  I don’t want to be a stupid country; I want to be a smart country.  There are way too many opportunities here and I really want our leaders to get their expletives together, I want them to create an inspiring vision!  I’ve talked about this so many times and I’ve detailed everything in my 2014 Conservative Caucus on Energy, something every candidate should read.  Energy really is the key to our future.
Bye Bye Recovery
Brand new numbers from the Commerce Department confirm that our economy shrank last quarter. In the first quarter of 2014, our GDP contracted by 1%.   That's a huge number, which is attributed to much more than just bad weather, like many would like you to believe. This is the Barack Obama recovery, which is the worst in recent history.  His liberal ideology has failed to produce real economic growth and jobs. Americans have simply given up looking for work, while poverty is up, food stamp participation is up and economic output is down. This isn't the first time Obama's recovery has stalled since the recession ended in 2009.  The economy also shrank in the first quarter of 2011. Any hope for 3%+ GDP growth in 2014 have been dashed by this latest news.  Pathetic.

>>TV Tonight (10PM ET on Fox News)
Tonight family members of VA victims react to Shinseki’s resignation. Plus Sen. Mike Lee weighs in from the Republican Leadership Conference. And is the president fumbling his priorities? Lou Holtz reacts

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