Friday, June 20, 2014


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Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for June 20th. Enjoy!

From the Blog

NY-22: Laughable lies of liberal Republicans

How do you spell “sidesplitting chutzpah“? In New York’s 22nd congressional district, it’s spelled: R-I-C-H-A-R-D H-A-N-N-A. He’s the liberal GOP incumbent trying to cling to public office by smearing the Marine mom, small-business owner, lawyer and conservative state assemblywoman poised to take his seat next week...

Bend it like Pelosi: What the congressional Democrat leadership would be without liars

Nancy Pelosi is again selling lies like Girl Scout cookies, except way more expensive...

Jay Carney: ‘Sorry to disappoint’ but we found zero Lois Lerner emails on the White House’s end

Jay Carney’s final briefing as White House press secretary was yesterday, and among his last official lies was to offer the results of a White House scan of their computers for any Lois Lerner emails. Surprisingly, the White House’s intensive search turned up nothing...

More From the Right Side of the Web

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