Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Immigration Arrogance
Despite the push back from the Supreme Court, Congress and the American people, Barack Obama is vowing to take unilateral, executive action on immigration reform. He wants to go beyond the Constitution to deal with a crisis that he helped create.

What did the president expect would happen when he took unilateral action to defer deportation for young immigrants and then failed to secure our borders? Obama and his handlers knew exactly what they could expect; that this would encourage more people, especially young people, to come to America to take advantage of Obama's lax enforcement of immigration laws. If they made it to America, they would likely be able to stay in America.

Was the Obama administration deliberately planning for this "crisis" to happen? The government has confirmed a request order from January for "escort services for unaccompanied alien children." The order specifically cites 65,000 expected illegal child immigrants. So far, at least 50,000 children alone have crossed the border illegally into the United States.

Here's what happens when they get here. According to House Judiciary Chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte, "Ninety percent of the mostly-teen illegal immigrants flooding over the Mexico-U.S. border won't show up for their immigration court hearing, meaning at least 135,000 of the youths will simply vanish into the country this year alone."

We have tens of thousands of young illegal immigrants piled up at our borders and now it's the fault of Republicans in Congress? Nice try, Obama...(read more)
Confidence in Obama Trails Rating for Bush in '06 According to a new Gallup survey, "Americans have less confidence in the Obama administration than they did for George W. Bush's at the same point in his presidency."

"In Bush's sixth year in office, just 33 percent of Americans had a 'great deal' or 'quite a lot' of confidence in the executive branch of government. In the same year of Obama's presidency, the same branch earned just 29 percent."

Well it's not hard to imagine why Americans have little confidence in this administration.

The economy shrank last quarter, 50 million Americans are on food stamps, and we have record levels of poverty and fewer Americans working.

The number of scandals plaguing this administration are almost too many to keep track of - Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS targeting of conservatives, the VA scandal.

And then there's Obama's international incompetence whether it's Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Iran.

America deserves better.

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