Monday, October 13, 2014


Michelle Malkin 33
Thanks to Angelique Bishop of for the photo.
Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for October 13th. Enjoy!

From the Blog

NIH director: You know, we might have an Ebola vaccine if we had adequate funding

You knew this was coming. The contagion of perpetual under-funding is no match for Ebola...

John McCain calls for ‘Ebola Czar’ after 2nd person tests positive; ‘Golf Czar’ already on the job

A health care worker who was involved in treating Ebola patient Thomas Duncan has tested positive for the virus in Dallas...

Gist of new Wendy Davis ad: Greg Abbott is a disgrace to paralysis

If anything sums up the state of the Wendy Davis campaign in Texas, it’s this new ad pointing out that there’s one wheelchair-bound hypocrite who has had it too good for too long...

More From the Right Side of the Web

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