Monday, October 13, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Ebola - Blame the GOP?
Ebola is spreading in the United States and Democrats are blaming this on … the GOP?  Give me a break!
The Democrats have come out with an attack ad blaming GOP budget cuts for the spread of Ebola.  This is nonsense. 
The fact is that miniscule sequestration cuts did go into effect pale in comparison to the budget increases of many of these government agencies throughout the years.  And when it comes to things like the U.S. Global Health Programs, it's budget has actually increased post-sequestration.
Then we have the Head of the National Institute of Health says that we might have developed an Ebola vaccine if it weren't for budget cuts and a “10-year slide in research support.”
Unfortunately that's simply not the case, with funding increasing over the last decade.
But it's almost laughable to hear this statement, considering the amazing ways the NIH has wasted its money over the years on projects it apparently found far more pressing than Ebola.  Projects like …
Studying alcohol, condom use in sexually violent men
Studying the health consequences of the sex imbalance ratio in India
Eliminating health disparities among taxi drivers
Studying why three-quarters of lesbians are fat
Studying why lesbians are at a higher risk for hazardous drinking
Sending text messages in "gay lingo" to methamphetamine addicts
It was only a matter of time before this Ebola crisis was used politically or to spend more taxpayer money.  Never let a good crisis go to waste!
Government Response to Ebola
Over the weekend we learned that a nurse who cared for Dallas patient Thomas Eric Duncan has contracted Ebola. 
This is disturbing because the Obama administration and CDC officials have been assuring us that our medical system in the United States is strong enough to prevent this kind of spread.  The woman, after all, was wearing full protective gear when treating Duncan.
Now we know that's no longer the case and we have to wonder how and who else may be vulnerable. 
The Director of the CDC, Tom Frieden, says that all of the healthcare workers who took care of Duncan may be at risk of having been exposed and they are working on determining which ones will receive active monitoring.  So the list of potential carriers continues to grow...continue reading

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