Friday, October 3, 2014


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Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for October 3rd. Enjoy!

From the Blog

Fanboy of scare monger Al Gore accuses conservative of scare mongering about Ebola

Alan Colmes had a message for viewers of The O’Reilly Factor tonight: People like Andrea Tantaros (and O’Reilly) who support any travel ban from West African countries are scare mongering about the Ebola threat...

Doesn’t look like EVERY precaution is being taken with Ebola in Dallas

Additionally, believe it or not, the Obama administration has no plans to restrict flights from West African countries getting ravaged by Ebola. We’re just going to continue to hope nobody else lies on their health questionnaires before boarding U.S.-bound flights? Sounds like a plan. A very, very dangerous plan...

More From the Right Side of the Web

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