Friday, October 10, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Close Gitmo
With everything happening around the world, what does Barack Obama want to do?  Pay off on a campaign promise to close Guantanamo Bay. 
According to the Wall Street Journal, “The White House is drafting options that would allow President Barack Obama to close the detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by overriding a congressional ban on bringing detainees to the U.S., senior administration officials said.”
There are two big issues here.
The first is the closing of Gitmo itself, which currently holds 149 of the most dangerous prisoners in the War on Terror, 37 of which have been determined to be so dangerous that they are to be held indefinitely without a trial.  Does the president not understand that we are at war with radical Islam?  I'm not sure how the president thinks that closing Gitmo will make America any safer, especially at this time of heightened radical Islamic threats.  I find it difficult to understand the president's logic in this war against radical Islam, and this decision on Gitmo would only add to my perplexity.
The second issue is how the president plans to go about closing Gitmo.  Yet again, Obama is asserting authority he does not have in order to bypass Congress and implement laws unilaterally.  This may make people like Gwyneth Paltrow very happy, but it is extremely dangerous to the integrity of our system of government. 
Outrageous: Gwyneth Paltrow
Gwyneth Paltrow wouldn't be the first Hollywood celebrity to say something dumb about politics, and she certainly won't be the last.
She hosted a fundraiser for the Democratic Party at her Hollywood home, and Barack Obama attended the event.
Paltrow was reportedly tripping over her own words, fawning over Obama, declaring, “You're so handsome that I can't speak properly.” 
But she went on to make one of the dumbest comments I've heard in a while.  She said, "It would be wonderful if we were able to give this man all of the power that he needs to pass the things that he needs to pass.”
Does this woman seriously mean that?  Does she understand that she is essentially hoping for Obama to become a dictator?
Liberals in Hollywood are OK with the president having such power, so long as the president is in their ideological camp and passing legislation they like.  I'm not so sure they'd be keen on the dictator idea if a Republican were in the White House. 
And that's the beauty of our system; no one person or president has that much power.  Although Obama is certainly making a mockery of that concept.  His unilateral actions have brought us to a constitutional tipping point, challenging our system of checks and balances in a very dangerous way. 

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