Thursday, October 23, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Terror in Canada
Radical Islamic terrorism has struck Canada this week, and our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, brave Canadian soldiers Corporal Nathan Cirillo and Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent.
Yesterday a terrorist sent Ottawa into lockdown after shooting and killing a Canadian ceremonial guard Corporal Nathan Cirillo at a war memorial in the country's capital.  The gunman then made his way into the Canadian parliament building where he opened fire just feet from where members of parliament and the Prime Minister were meeting. 
Fortunately, the shooter was taken out by the Canadian House of Commons’ sergeant-at-arms.  He is a 58 year old man by the name of Kevin Vickers, who is a 29-year-veteran of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.  While his role as sergeant-at-arms is mostly ceremonial, Vickers is a hero for his quick instincts and skills, which likely saved a lot of lives.
The gunman has been identified as 32-year-old Canadian-born Michael Zehaf-Bibeau who had recently converted to Islam.  According to Andre Walker at Breitbart, this is a man who has had “a career of petty crime and drug abuse,” including a marijuana possession charge in 2004 and a robbery conviction.  Walker also point out, “Ironically his bizarre antics and fanaticism had left him unable to leave Canada due to the removal of his passport. He had wanted to fight jihad abroad but the travel ban made that impossible.” Continue Reading...
Released Illegal Immigrants had Serious Criminal Records
Last year during the battle over sequestration, the Obama administration released thousands of illegal immigrants from jails. 
At the time, the controversial move was said to be because of budget concerns.
But we were also told that these illegals were being held for minor crimes. 
New records have been released and the Obama administration was lying to us once again. 
The records show that some of the illegal immigrants released were facing serious criminal charges such as sexual assault, kidnapping, drug trafficking and homicide.
Government officials are now claiming that there was no ill-intent to lie to the American people or to Congress, but this was simply a mismanaged effort that was done in haste.
That doesn't make me feel any better either.  Either the government lied to us or they are incompetent.  Either way, it's just dumb and puts Americans' lives at risk.
Source: USA Today

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