Monday, October 27, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
The Reign Could Be Over?
When, in the eyes of Democrats, President George W. Bush "stole" not one, but two presidential elections, the party did not stand idly by. Democrats came back unified, strong and --most importantly -- with better research, messaging, and targeting. Thanks to this focus on data and analytics, Democrats have beaten Republicans to a pulp in the game of persuasion and turnout in the wake of 2004. It's a huge part of the reason Democrats have won the last two presidential elections and ensured they've been able to maintain control of the U.S. Senate since 2006.

Republicans now have an opportunity to ensure the Democrats' reign in this area is over. But will the GOP admit their shortcomings, put pride aside, and use the appropriate tools necessary?
>>read moreGOP Pulling Ahead
We are within two weeks of the election and the polls are indicating that the GOP may pull this one out. But it's not time to become complacent.  The Wall Street Journal is reporting congressional Democrats have a 20 year high disapproval rating approaching 67%.  Politico has identified a few key battleground races including a nearly dead heat battle in North Carolina.   

According to  Politico, The Obama Administration is already preparing to work with a Republican majority.  Did you read that, again?  I know I did.  The White House is already preparing for Republicans to take the Senate as the polls lean further toward the GOP.  Let's hope the results shape up this way.  This will be our opportunity to get America back on track! 
A Time For Choosing
This week marks a historic week for the modern conservative political movement. Fifty years ago, Ronald Reagan gave his famous speech, "A Time for Choosing."

While the speech was given as an introduction for presidential candidate Barry Goldwater, it launched Reagan's political career. More importantly, it launched a conservative revolution that would sweep the nation in years to come, inspired by Reagan's bold vision for American greatness.

Reagan begins, "It's time we asked ourselves if we still know the freedoms intended for us by the Founding Fathers." And he finishes, "You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness."

The GOP could use a bold leader like Reagan if conservatives have any hope of restoring a bright future for our children.

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