Thursday, October 9, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Bombshell Scandal Resurfaces
The Obama administration finds itself embroiled in scandal and lies once again.  Americans deserve an honest, competent administration.
Before the 2012 presidential election, a shocking scandal made the headlines.  An advanced Secret Service team engaged in illicit behavior ahead of Obama's visit to Cartagena, Columbia.  About a dozen Secret Service agents and military personnel were punished or fired as a result of their actions, which included hiring prostitutes and breaching other protocols.
As a side note, Julia Pierson, who recently resigned as the Director of the Secret Service, was put into that role as a result of this Columbia prostitution scandal.
Anyway, the scandal rocked the Secret Service, but the Obama administration insisted that nobody from the White House was involved.  Press Secretary Jay Carney said at the time, "There have been no specific, credible allegations of misconduct (against) anyone on the White House advance team or the White House staff.  Nevertheless, out of due diligence, the White House Counsel's office has conducted a review … (and) there's no indication that any member of the White House advance team engaged in any improper conduct or behavior."
Now we know that, once again, this administration was lying...continue reading
Jobs Still Most Important to Americans
According to the latest Gallup polling, the economy and jobs remain the most important issue for Americans, both Democrats and Republicans.
Unfortunately, the American economy is no longer on top. 
According to the International Monetary Fund, China has now overtaken the United States as the world's largest economy.
Business Insider reports that by the end of 2014, China will make up 16.5% of the world's purchasing-power and the US will make up just 16.3%.
This news may not come as a shock to many Americans who already believe that China has surpassed us as a leading superpower.
Despite what Obama and other politicians may say, Americans are feeling the effects of our lackluster recovery and are worried about the direction our country is headed.

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