Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
ObamaCare Remorse
Even Democrats are starting to regret the passage of ObamaCare. The Hill reports, "Sen. Tom Harkin, one of the coauthors of the Affordable Care Act, now thinks Democrats may have been better off not passing it at all and holding out for a better bill." He goes on to lament the complexity of the bill.
Harkin went on to admit, "We had the power to do it in a way that would have simplified healthcare, made it more efficient and made it less costly and we didn't do it. So I look back and say we should have either done it the correct way or not done anything at all."

But for Democrats like Harkin, the solution is a single-payer system. His position would be the opposite of what Americans want.

According to a new Gallup poll, "The majority of Americans do not feel that the federal government should take on the role of making sure that all Americans have healthcare coverage." Let's not forget that almost half of the Democratic senators (28) who voted for ObamaCare in 2010 are no longer in office. While ObamaCare may not be the reason, it is absolutely a factor in the political fallout we've seen over the last few years, according to the polls.

ObamaCare was sold to us as one big lie. The Democrats knew this but wouldn't admit that Republicans were right about its true nature. Now we are supposed to sympathize with Democrats who are upset over how ObamaCare turned out? No. The great ObamaCare experiment has failed. Repealing and replacing ObamaCare with market-based solutions is what the American people deserve.
Quote of the Day: Sowell
Economist and author Dr. Thomas Sowell reacted to the protests over the shooting of Michael Brown. Last night on Hannity, Sowell compared the Congressional Black Caucus' "Hands up, don't shoot" protest on the House floor to Joseph Goebbels. After all, the "Hands up, don't shoot" narrative is a complete falsehood in the case of Michael Brown, yet it is being perpetrated nonetheless.

Sowell says that the CBC is repeating something they know to be untrue "for political reasons. I thought of Joseph Goebbels' doctrine, that people will believe any lie if it's repeated often enough and loud enough. They're repeating it often enough and loud enough. And it will pay off for them personally and politically. People who are out to forward their political careers say and do things that have no relationship whatever to reality or to anybody else's interests but their own."

In his latest column, "Opinions Versus Facts," he says the biggest beneficiaries of the riots in Ferguson "are politicians and racial demagogues." Not the people and certainly not the business owners whose livelihoods have now been destroyed.

Sowell also says that Obama is weighing in on these race cases because spreading "paranoia" will get out the vote. Obama, by the way, is 0 for 3 when it comes to inaccurately judging these cases.

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