Thursday, January 22, 2015


Advice to Republicans
One thing is crystal clear after Obama's State of the Union address this week: He's never going to change.  The sooner Republicans accept this reality, the sooner they can focus on their own message.
I'm not the only one who seems to be over this president.  Obama's State of the Union address drew the lowest TV audience in 15 years.  It's the second-smallest audience on record since they started measuring in 1993.
The American people are tuning him out and so should the Republicans as much as they can.  Obama is never going to acknowledge the truth about his failed policies.  He will forever remain a radical ideologue because he cannot help himself beyond that which he's been indoctrinated into, which is the ideology of Alinsky, Bill Ayers, Father Pfleger, etc.
Obama seems genuinely annoyed that we, the American people, aren't appreciative of his greatness.  He seems to believe that his policies are working and that he is doing a good job, which is scary when you consider how far that is from reality.
I've explained how misguided he is when it comes to his economic achievements.  And even some of the mainstream media gave him a hard time for how out-of-touch he seemed to be in his State of the Union address, specifically when it comes to terrorism and foreign policy.
- We are not on our way to defeating and destroying ISIS.
- He couldn't even be bothered to mention al Qaeda.
- Just four months ago, Obama hailed Yemen as a success story in our war on terror.  Yet as Obama was addressing the nation, Yemen's government was on the verge of toppling.
His idealistic world view isn't going to change.  Nor are his views towards domestic issues such as wealth inequality or government spending.  It's difficult to understand how someone can look at the federal government's balance sheet and yet tell the American people that he wants to add $41 billion to the spending column and do absolutely nothing about our accumulating debt.  According to an article in the American Thinker , “To pay off the 'Obama debt' in one century, Congress would need to run a surplus of $67 billion each and every year for one hundred years to eliminate the debt rung up in just the last six years.”  That doesn't even count the $6+ trillion rang up before Obama was elected.
The bottom line is that we have a delusional president who is incapable of dealing in reality.  It's hard to negotiate with someone like that.  Republicans better have a game plan on how they plan to make their case to the American people over the next two years, rather than trying to get Obama to come around.
Boehner's Big Move
Finally, a bold step of leadership for House Speaker John Boehner.  The day after Obama's State of the Union address Boehner invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address the Congress. The invitation extended to Netanyahu comes at a time when Congress is at odds with President Obama over sanctions on Iran.  Netanyahu will address Congress on the issue of Iran and rising Islamic extremism on February 11th.  According to the Wall Street Journal, “The Obama administration called the move a breach of diplomatic protocol because neither Congress nor Israel consulted first with the White House.”
Negotiations with Iran over their nuclear program continue and an agreement is supposed to be reached before the end of June.  But if the negotiations fail, Barack Obama will find himself on the opposite side of the issue as some Democrats in Congress who support sanctions.
One of Obama'a four veto threats in his State of the Union was if Congress passed sanctions on Iran, which he claims would delay or undo the progress of the negotiations.
Boehner says his invitation extended to Netanyahu was not meant to be provocative, considering its timing.  But rather than crumbling under the shadow of a veto threat, Boehner is bringing an important voice in the discussion to Congress and ultimately the American people.

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