Monday, January 19, 2015


Obama wants to Raise Taxes
Among his proposals to be laid out in tomorrow night's State of the Union, Barack Obama wants to raise taxes by $320 billion.  When it doubt, redistributing the wealth is a go-to liberal proposal, but it doesn't lead to economic growth or prosperity.
Some of Obama's tax plan will include …
- An increase in the capital gains tax to 28% and closing certain loopholes
- Expanded tax credits for low-income workers
- Educational tax breaks
- Limiting tax-preferred retirement accounts
- New taxes on financial institutions
Barack Obama certainly isn't the first Democrat to push the idea of raising taxes on the rich to redistribute the wealth through the tax code, and he won't be the last. 
But our problem isn't that the rich aren't paying enough.  The problem is that we are spending too much. 
Consider some of the following facts …
- Our federal debt is now an astounding $18 trillion, which represents about a $8 trillion increase since Obama became president.  The increase in the federal debt on Obama's watch represents an increase the equivalent of $84,266 per full-time private-sector worker, according to CNSNews calculations.
- The federal government is taking in record amounts of revenue.  In the first quarter of the 2015 fiscal year, the government collected a record $739 billion in tax revenue.  Yet despite this record, the federal government STILL ran a deficit of $176 billion.
- While the federal government can't even afford current spending levels, Barack Obama wants to spend even more, proposing a $68 billion spending increase in his upcoming budget proposal (a 7% boost in discretionary programs).
- Democrats complaining that the rich don't pay their fair share should consider the following: “By 2012 the top 1% of income earners accounted for 38% of all federal income taxes.
That's up from 33.2% in 2001 … At the other end of the spectrum, the bottom half of all taxpayers was responsible for just 2.78% of federal income taxes in 2012, which is down from 4.9% in 2001.”

Taxing the rich, redistributing the wealth and increased government spending – we've tried this combination of policies and it fails to deliver real economic growth and opportunities. 
Obama's senior advisor Dan Pfieffer told CBS' "Face the Nation”: "The simple proposition [is] that we should ask the wealthy to pay a little more and invest more in the middle class, give the middle class a raise.”
The best way this administration could give the middle class a raise it not by redistributing the wealth but by fostering a more robust economic climate.  Regulations are stifling businesses and growth, and yet Obama's administration is doubling down on them.  Taxes on businesses limit their opportunities for growth and therefore limit possibilities of more jobs being created.  Taxes on individuals limits investment in businesses and effects purchasing power.
The American people know intuitively that the problem with the current economy isn't a lack of taxes, but a false sense of real economic recovery.  A real recovery wouldn't have driven millions of Americans out of the labor force.  A real economic recovery wouldn't have seen wages stagnating. 
As Marco Rubio told CBS' Bob Schieffer, "The notion, first of all, that in order for some people to do better, someone has to do worse, is just not true. Raising taxes on people that are successful is not going to make people that are struggling more successful. The good news about free enterprise is that everyone can succeed without punishing anyone."
Why is that concept so difficult to grasp?
Even Bob Schieffer seemed incredulous about Obama's tax plan, asking Pfeiffer “Is this for real?”  Schieffer doubts a plan such as this could pass a Republican Congress.  Let's hope he's right about that.
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