Friday, January 23, 2015


Foreign Policy Flubs
From ISIS to Yemen, from Iran to Netanyahu, it's clear that Barack Obama's efforts on the foreign stage are failing.

Let's start with ISIS.

Earlier this week in his State of the Union address, Obama said the following: "In Iraq and Syria, American leadership, including our military power, is stopping ISIL's advance."

It's difficult to understand exactly how Obama arrived at this conclusion when just today we see ISIS threatening with a countdown the beheading of Japanese hostages. Just last week, ISIL had hacked into CENTCOM's social media network.

It's hard to see just how President Obama is defining "success" in the battle with ISIL but I think it's clear we haven't reached a victory yet.
Remember Who Your Friends Are
The White House is beside itself, livid over the invitation extended by House Speaker John Boehner to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress on the issue of Iran and Islamic extremism.

President Obama has decided to snub Netanyahu when he comes to visit. The administration says that Netanyahu's visit comes too close to his upcoming election in Israel and that there is a policy against receiving foreign leaders close to their elections.

Or perhaps Obama is too busy ... too busy, for example, because he is being interviewed by YouTube stars with green lipstick who make off-color jokes.

This is absurd. This administration has sunk to a new low. We need leadership. We need a statesman. America's image and clout throughout the world is quickly waning.

We have two more years of Obama's presidency. Let's just hope that things don't progress far enough to where they reach the point of no return.

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