Friday, February 6, 2015


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Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for February 6th. Enjoy!

From the Blog

Obama’s stern message for ISIS: You’re really not that different from ‘high horse’ Christians

Obama got angrier at the prayer breakfast two years ago at Dr. Ben Carson than he did this year at ISIS...

My fellow bloggers: You will heartily enjoy this best Brian Williams flashback ever

As I’m sure you’ve all heard by now, NBC News anchor Brian Williams — a real journalist — finally admitted he has been lying about coming under RPG fire in Iraq in 2003. Fed-up troops called him out, but even after being forced to ‘fess up, he still clung to lies and “misremembrance...”

The GOP’s Orrin Hatch problem

Cruz, who called on McConnell to put the screws on Obama over the Lynch nomination, diagnosed the bipartisan Beltway corruptocracy perfectly: “Far too many Americans are losing faith in our elected officials,” he told Politico this week. “They’ve seen too many times politicians who say one thing and do another...”

More From the Right Side of the Web

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