Friday, February 6, 2015


Happy Birthday Reagan
Today we celebrate Ronald Reagan's 104th birthday. In a true testament to his impact and leadership, his legacy and principles have yet to be forgotten.

A principled conservative, many in Washington D.C. could stand to learn from Reagan's boldness in the face of opposition.

"Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people?"

Reagan is a reminder to those in Washington that bold conservative principles often also make for the best politics. At a time when Republicans really have a chance to make a difference, let's hope they heed Reagan's sentiment.

On the international stage, Reagan stood boldly and unwavering the face of the enemy of communism. He was not afraid to label it, speak specifically of its evil and demand that it come to an end.

If only we had that type of leadership in the White House today. President Obama's unwillingness to do the same when it comes to the evils of radical Islamic terror will only be to our detriment. It will not achieve any meaningful goal of "defeating" and "destroying" an enemy because it does not comport with his ideologically radical world view.
Would Ronald Reagan Say That?!
Could you imagine Ronald Reagan standing up to deliver a lecture on Christianity, pointing to its historical flaws and tying in the history of the United States at a time when anxiety over Islamic terrorism is running high? This is what Obama did just this week at the National Prayer Breakfast. It seems absurd until you realize that this is just par for the course for President High Horse, Barack Hussein Obama.

Could you imagine Reagan downplaying American exceptional-ism or going on an American apology tour around the world? It's amazing that within a few decades, the United States elected a principled conservative like Ronald Reagan and then a radical, liberal ideologue like Barack Obama.

Whether it was on the international stage in the face of communism or domestically in an effort to revive our economy, Reagan had the strength to lead with conviction and clarity. I think America is coming to find that Obama's style is diametrically opposite, and it is not serving our interests well.

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