Friday, February 20, 2015


Strategic Foolishness
When the Obama administration isn't busy telling the enemy what we aren't willing to do, it apparently feels the need to detail to the enemy exactly what to expect.
When Obama laid out his ISIS strategy last week, he telegraphed very clearly what the United States wasn't willing to do: No boots on the ground in a sustained effort.
Now the administration has published detailed timing and plans to retake Mosul in Iraq, telling ISIS exactly when they can expect a fight and how many troops to expect. 
So we've gone from no strategy to gift-wrapping our strategy for our enemies.  We might as well have sent it directly to their Inboxes. 
Retired Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney calls this nothing short of aiding and abetting the enemy and warns that this will put our forces at risk.
Also putting America at risk is the dumb and potentially dangerous decision to bring a massive number of Syrian refugees into the United States.
This is at a time when Syria is engaged in a civil war where even the best defense experts have a hard time deciphering who is part of the “moderate rebels” compared to al Qaeda militants and ISIS barbarians.
In other words, we don't have the intelligence to properly vet those coming to the United States. 
Are we just supposed to trust that this administration when they've given us little reason to do so?
The director of the National Counterterrorism Center admits that potential terrorists could be hiding among the refugees.
Members of Congress are warning that this is simply a backdoor for jihadists from groups like ISIS to make their way, legally, into the United States.
House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mike McCaul pointed out on Hannity last night that "ISIS has telegraphed that they want to exploit the refugee process to gain entrance into the West and United States … And the FBI admitted they don't have the databases to properly vet these refugees."
Not only do we have a porous border, where people from countries with terrorist ties can sneak across, but now our government is actively working to bring them here. 
How dumb could we be?
Levin: "Obama is a Patsy for Islamic Terrorism"
"The Great One," Mark Levin, joined Sean on 'Hannity' to discuss the president's apparent 'contempt' for America. "When someone says they want to fundamentally change America [like Obama has], then they must not love America," Levin told Sean. "That's like saying I'm going to transform my wife or my girlfriend - that means you must not love your wife or your girlfriend. Obama has shown no indication that he loves the Constitution, he never talks about capitalism and he's always talking about the past. Even now he's a patsy for Islamic terrorism and half of his speeches are about how bad America is and how America shouldn't react in a negative way," Levin continued. To watch Sean's entire conversation with Mark Levin, please click here.

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