Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Yemen Spirals
The situation in Yemen is spiraling into chaos. Here's why it matters.

Not that long ago, the Obama administration touted Yemen as the model success story for its counter-terrorism strategy. Now, Yemen is devolving into chaos.

The United States had been working with Yemen to tackle al Qaeda in its counterterrorism efforts. But all of that changed as Shiite Houthi militias - backed by Iran - have been moving to unseat the official government.

Last month, if you will recall, the United States closed its Embassy in the capital of Sanaa.

A suicide bomb in Sanaa last week killed 137 people.

A few days ago, American and European troops abandoned a strategic army base used to fight al Qaeda after al Qaeda seized control of a nearby city. The remaining U.S. special operations forces have since pulled out of Yemen.

Today, Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi fled his home as Houthi rebels advanced on his palace in Aden.
Why Does This Matter
Besides the impression this leaves on the world as our diplomats are forced to retreat from their post, Here are a few more reasons why all this matters:
  •  While the Houthis deny it, they are backed by Iran. This puts us in a virtual proxy war with the very nation we are supposed to be trusting in negotiating its nuclear future.
  •  Because we've been forced to pull out our diplomats and our military, we've lost hundreds of millions of dollars in equipment which will now fall into the rebels' hands, and we've also lost the ability to gather critical intelligence.
  • Yemen was, until very recently, considered the Obama administration's template for its counterterrorism strategy. In fact, as recently as yesterday, White House spokesman Josh Earnest continued to label Yemen as a model!
It's amazing that this administration has gotten so much wrong when it comes to the Middle East. And when their plans blatantly fail, they can't even admit it. They'd rather remain hard-headed than admit that they do not have a winning strategy for the Middle East.
These are dangerous times we are living in, and it is frightening to feel like this administration doesn't have a handle on things.

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