Friday, April 10, 2015


Hillary to Announce?
According to reports, Hillary Clinton is expected to announce her run for president this weekend. The media is already doing its job in protecting her, while perpetuating negative narratives about GOP candidates. This will be the case from now until November 2016.
Hillary's announcement will apparently be made via Twitter. This will be done while she's heading to Iowa, kicking off a “blitzkrieg tour” throughout the states, according to the Guardian.
Even though she's yet to officially declare, this hasn't stopped the pollsters from gauging how well she stacks up against GOP candidates, those who have declared (Cruz and Paul) and those who are expected to declare their candidacy.
Unfortunately for Hillary, things aren't looking all that good. According to a brand new Quinnipiac poll: “Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's lead is wilting against leading Republican presidential candidates in three critical swing states, Colorado, Iowa and Virginia, and she finds herself in a close race with U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky in each state … In head-to-head matchups, every Republican candidate effectively ties her in Colorado and almost all Republicans effectively tie her in Iowa.”
It's not hard to imagine why this would be the case. Hillary's email and server scandal was bad enough that even the liberal, mainstream media had to admit how bad it looked.

Then there's the ongoing investigation into Benghazi; we've yet to really get to the bottom of Hillary's knowledge and involvement leading up to the terrorist attack, during the terrorist attack and her subsequent lying after the attack.

We can't forget about the shady transactions between the Clinton Foundation and foreign countries – plenty with human rights violations and deplorable records in regards to women and minority rights – while Hillary was Secretary of State.

And then there's the looming issue, which the mainstream media has yet to touch and that is Orgy Island and the associations of Bill Clinton with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Don't worry about Hillary. If you thought the mainstream media has been doing its part to protect her from having to really answer for any of these issues (and more!), just wait to see how they'll circle the wagons once she's an official candidate...(continue reading)
Nothing Good Comes from Deal with Iran
The supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, is accusing the White House of lying about the agreed framework for its nuclear deal.

The Obama administration recently released a fact-sheet outlining the supposed framework for its agreement with Iran over its nuclear program.

“On most of the issues" in the White House fact-sheet, Khamemei says they are “wrong.”

He called the United States “deceptive” and accused America of “devilish” intentions.

Why on Earth does Obama continue to negotiate with Iran? Nothing good can come from this deal.

Source:  The Weekly Standard

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