Friday, May 15, 2015


Government Waste of our Tax Dollars
The government always manages to find ways to waste your hard-earned tax dollars.

Even though there has been a ban on earmarks since 2010, that hasn't stopped members of Congress from continuing with their pork barrel spending.

In fact, Congress has appropriated over $4 billion in earmarks this year alone.

This includes millions of dollars for "fish passage and fish screens," an "Embryo Adoption Awareness Campaign," and hundreds of millions spent over the years on something called the Denali Commission to build infrastructure in rural Alaska - a project which Obama himself wants to eliminate.

Washington will always find a way to skirt the rules in order to spend your money.

Source: Washington Free Beacon
Show Your Support for the Baltimore Police Officers
Supporters of the six Baltimore police officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray have started a fundraiser on behalf of the officers. T-shirts and sweatshirts are on sale now through the veteran-owned company, Nine Line Apparel and proceeds will go to the six officers and their families. 
One anonymous Baltimore police officer who supports the fundraising efforts says that Marilyn Mosby  is “bastardizing the justice system at the expense of six officers…” He says her rush to charge the officers was politically motivated and urges all law enforcement supporters to consider buying a shirt.
Nine Line Apparel is a veteran-owned clothing company and is proud to be a part of the fundraising efforts for the Baltimore police officers. In a statement to, Nine Line co-founder and U.S. Army veteran Daniel Merritt says, “We are especially proud to support the Baltimore 6 and their families due to the fact that their own department and Mayor will not. Police are asked to perform a very dangerous and tough job; a job that the political leadership are not willing to go out and do. Lately we have seen police be the first ones thrown under the bus…”
The fundraiser is for a limited time only. Customers have 10 days to get their orders in. 
To purchase a shirt and show your support for the officers, click here.  

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