Monday, April 4, 2016


Could Paul Ryan Become The Republican Nominee? Forecasters expect Ted Cruz to win the Wisconsin Primary on Tuesday. Donald Trump leads in the delegate count by a wide margin. So why is everyone talking about Paul Ryan's chances of ending up as the GOP nominee?

A new report by Politico's Mike Allen has sparked plenty of conversation among DC's media and political circles.

In a story titled "Top Republicans talking up Paul Ryan as nominee", Allen writes, "One of the nation's best-wired Republicans, with an enviable prediction record for this cycle, sees a 60 percent chance of a convention deadlock and a 90 percent chance that delegates turn to Ryan - ergo, a 54 percent chance that Ryan, who'll start the third week of July as chairman of the Republican National Convention, will end it as the nominee."

Allen calls Ryan "more calculating and ambitious than he lets on", and sees plenty of parallels between the build up to Paul Ryan's run for Speaker and the battle for the Republican nomination. For weeks before running for and winning Speaker of the House, Ryan repeatedly expressed disinterest in the position until he was asked by the party to do it. Could the same thing be happening now?...(continue reading)
This Might Be The Weirdest Attack Ad Of 2016 A super PAC supporting John Kasich has released a bizarre new attack ad on Ted Cruz that refers to Cruz as "Lyin' Ted".

The ad features a picture of Ted Cruz with his nose growing and wrapping around his neck as a narrator lists off instances where the Cruz campaign has been accused of lying. Making things even stranger, the "Lyin' Ted" moniker has most often been used by Donald Trump on Twitter.
WATCH: One of the weirdest attack ads of 2016

Kasich, who tries to position himself as the civil alternative to Trump and Cruz, says he is unhappy with the ad and would like the PAC to pull it.

"I don't run that organization, but I've expressed my displeasure, and they're going to-we can't communicate with them directly-but I don't like that word, and I've told them that," Kasich said. "And I said it last night on television, and I would hope that they will not use that word and they'll take it down."

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