Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Hillary's Libya Bungle Grows
Another week, more Clinton-related scandals.

The rabbit hole grows deeper when it comes to Hillary Clinton, her knowledge of what really happened in Benghazi and the influence outside actors may have played in her decisions in Libya.
Since declaring her presidential candidacy, Hillary Clinton has managed to leap from one crisis to another.  

First we had her emails and private server, which were destroyed because she and her team single-handedly decided that this information was "personal" even though she used her private email account for official business as Secretary of State.

It turns out that there is more to this scandal as well.  New documents published by the New York Times reveal that Hillary had more than one private email address that she used for official business as Secretary of State.  In other words, she lied to us yet again when she claimed that she only had one secret personal email address.
Then we had the explosion of revelations related to the Clinton Foundation.  Hillary and Bill have raked in millions throughout the years in speaking fees or donations, many of which came from foreign governments seeking influence while Hillary was at the State Department and many of which were not publicly disclosed.
Don't Forget About Benghazi
The issue of Benghazi has always been lingering in the background as a Clinton scandal with more yet to be revealed.  "What difference at this point does it make?" Hillary so famously asked.  A big difference for many reasons, including ones we are just coming to learn.

First let's start with Hillary's emails.  The House has been pressing for the release of more Clinton emails related to Benghazi.  At first, the State Department decided that it would release the emails ... but not until January 2016, right before the Iowa Caucus.  But today, a judge rejected that plan from the State Department.  Instead, Clinton's emails will be released over a rolling period of time and they must provide specific dates for this information rollout.
Then we have long-time Clinton friend Sidney Blumenthal.  He finds himself at the center of controversy in a tangled web of politics and business involving Hillary Clinton.  Although not an official employee of the State Department, Blumenthal often forwarded memos to Hillary Clinton about Libya before and after the fall of Qaddafi. These memos were then often sent from Hillary Clinton to other State Department officials.  It turns out that Blumenthal was working to nail down business contracts for friends in Libya during its transition, and Hillary's help from the State Department is exactly what was needed to secure these deals.  You can read more about it here in the New York Times.
And last but certainly not least, watchdog group Judicial Watch has revealed documents from the Department of Defense and the State Department which show that the Obama administration - including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton - knew immediately that the Benghazi attack was conducted by al Qaeda-linked terrorists and that it had been planned at least 10 days in advance. In other words, this narrative of a spontaneous attack due to a YouTube video was an orchestrated lie by an administration that knew it was a lie.  Most disturbingly, it was promulgated to the families of Chris Stevens, Ty Woods, Sean Smith and Glen Doherty who lost their lives.

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