Wednesday, July 1, 2015


The Outrage Industry
There is a dangerous tendency that's going on in this country and we need to be prepared to confront it.  A few weeks ago I had Guy Benson and Mary Kathrine Ham on my radio show to discuss their book, "End of Discussion."  What their book does is expose the outrage on the left that is so often fake.  Even when it's not fake, it's what I've called selective moral outrage, the idea that liberals seem to pick and choose which areas to focus their rage on.

What we're finding now is that an entire industry has come out of this selective moral outrage.  Benson and Ham refer to this as the "Outrage Industry" and this outrage is used to silence political opposition.  In their book they highlight the downfall of former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich who resigned in 2014 after it was discovered that he had donated $1000 to opponents of same-sex marriage in California.  As Benson and Ham discuss, Eich lost his job because of a personal belief, not because of any lack of job performance. 

In reading this book and the story of Brendan Eich, it's obvious to me that the "thought police" struck again and Eich became a victim of the Outrage Industry.  Typical of the selective moral outrage I fear this country is just getting used to.  
The Road to the White House
I spent some time yesterday in New Hampshire as part of my Road to the White House coverage and I was reminded of just how important this election is.  I have promised you, from the beginning of this process, that I would make sure I allow as much time as possible to give all of the candidates the coverage they deserve.  I want to let them speak, in their own words, so that my audience can be the most informed in the country.  That's my goal.

People often ask me what I'm looking for in a candidate.  To be clear, I'm looking for the most conservative candidate with an inspiring message and someone who can articulate that message.  Some say, "I can tell you favor this candidate or that candidate" but I can honestly say, I don't favor anyone. 

I can tell you that the road to the White House isn't going to be easy.  I can tell you that 46% of the vote is pretty much guaranteed to the Democrats.     When the history books are written on the 2016 election, I can tell you the Democratic playbook will look like the same one they've used in pretty much every election.  They're going to pit black vs. white; young vs. old; rich vs. poor; men vs. women.  It'll be more of the same where they try and convince the American people that Republicans hate old people and want to poison the air, poison the water and starve children. 

So, my goal is to invite every candidate to speak and I'll ask every question I can think of until I've run out of questions and, hopefully, leave you with the tools and information to make the most well-informed decision.

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