Friday, July 10, 2015


Hillary Clinton..."Honest and Trustworthy?"
In a first since announcing her presidential candidacy in April, Hillary Clinton finally sat down for a nationally televised interview on Tuesday night.

 Predictably, it did not take long for the former Secretary of State to start blaming the GOP for her problems. 

When asked about the public's skepticism surrounding her trustworthiness, Hillary jumped at the opportunity to blame Republicans, saying there have been a "barrage of attacks that are largely fomented by and coming from the right." 

A recent Quinnipiac poll found that only 39 percent of Americans find Hillary "honest and trustworthy." 

So, let me get this straight: Even though Hillary lied about Benghazi, lied about her personal email server, AND accepted shady donations through the Clinton Foundation from countries with horrible human rights records...we're supposed to blame the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy for her dishonest appearance?"

 But really, "what difference--at this point--does it make?"
Parents of Children Killed by Illegal Immigrants Sound Off
The country has been taken aback by the brutal killing of Kathryn Steinle by an illegal Mexican immigrant and repeat felon named Francisco Sanchez, who according to reports, had been previously deported five times. Unfortunately, Steinle isn't the only person tragically harmed by an illegal immigrant living here in the United States.

Earlier this week, Sean was joined by several families whose loved ones were victims of illegal immigrant crime. Sabine Durden's son, Dominic, was killed in 2012 during a traffic collision. The driver was an illegal immigrant. Dan Golvach's son, Spencer, was killed earlier this year when he was shot in the head by an illegal immigrant while waitin
Hillary Clinton..."Honest and Trustworthy?"
In a first since announcing her presidential candidacy in April, Hillary Clinton finally sat down for a nationally televised interview on Tuesday night.

 Predictably, it did not take long for the former Secretary of State to start blaming the GOP for her problems. 

When asked about the public's skepticism surrounding her trustworthiness, Hillary jumped at the opportunity to blame Republicans, saying there have been a "barrage of attacks that are largely fomented by and coming from the right." 

A recent Quinnipiac poll found that only 39 percent of Americans find Hillary "honest and trustworthy." 

So, let me get this straight: Even though Hillary lied about Benghazi, lied about her personal email server, AND accepted shady donations through the Clinton Foundation from countries with horrible human rights records...we're supposed to blame the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy for her dishonest appearance?"

 But really, "what difference--at this point--does it make?"
Parents of Children Killed by Illegal Immigrants Sound Off
The country has been taken aback by the brutal killing of Kathryn Steinle by an illegal Mexican immigrant and repeat felon named Francisco Sanchez, who according to reports, had been previously deported five times. Unfortunately, Steinle isn't the only person tragically harmed by an illegal immigrant living here in the United States.

Earlier this week, Sean was joined by several families whose loved ones were victims of illegal immigrant crime. Sabine Durden's son, Dominic, was killed in 2012 during a traffic collision. The driver was an illegal immigrant. Dan Golvach's son, Spencer, was killed earlier this year when he was shot in the head by an illegal immigrant while waiting at a red light. Mary Ann Mendoza's son, Sergeant Brandon Mendoza, an off-duty police officer, was killed by a drunken driver in 2014, the driver again an illegal immigrant. To more about these families and how their lives were impacted by illegal immigrant crimes, please click here.
g at a red light. Mary Ann Mendoza's son, Sergeant Brandon Mendoza, an off-duty police officer, was killed by a drunken driver in 2014, the driver again an illegal immigrant. To more about these families and how their lives were impacted by illegal immigrant crimes, please click here.

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