Friday, July 17, 2015


Even Democrats Don't Like the Iran Nuke Deal
The president has proclaimed the Iran nuclear deal a success but even some of his fellow Democrats aren't buying it.

Former Democrat VP Nominee Joe Lieberman criticized the agreement saying, "There is much more risk for America and reward for Iran than should be in this agreement."

New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez slammed the deal saying, "The deal ultimately legitimizes Iran as a threshold nuclear state. The deal doesn't end Iran's nuclear program, it preserves it."

The president brought home a bad deal. Republicans have said it from the beginning. And now even the Democrats are backing away from it.

Let's hope enough Democrats in Congress do the right thing and join with Republicans to reject the deal.
Chattanooga Shooting Witness: "He Was Unloading Bullets"
The man authorities say killed four U.S. Marines when he opened fire on two military sites in Chattanooga, Tenn. was a practicing Muslim who reportedly showed signs of becoming increasingly devout in recent weeks.

Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez, 24, was shot and killed by police after he allegedly attacked the Marines at the Navy Operational Support Center and Marine Corps Reserve Center at around 11 a.m. Thursday. Before attacking the military center, police say Abdulazeez sprayed an Armed Forces recruiting center seven miles away with bullets, leaving a police officer with a non-life threatening ankle wound.

A woman who says she witnessed the first Chattanooga shooting told Sean that the suspect was "just unloading a large black gun."

Erica Wright said that she was working two doors down from the U.S. Naval Recruiting Center at a hair salon.
VIDEO: Watch Sean's interview with Erica Wright

She explained she heard a loud "pop" that sounded like a car backfiring and decided to go look out the front window to see what was happening.

"When we got to the windows, we looked down the walkway and saw that he was right beside the Naval recruiting place just shooting in a silver convertible Mustang, just unloading a large black gun," Wright stated.

She explained that as soon as they saw Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez shooting, they went to the back of the salon and called 911.

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