Thursday, July 2, 2015


Marines Weighing having Members Hitch rides on Foreign Warships
Just when we thought the United States couldn't look any weaker on the world stage, Fox News has reported that U.S. Marines are facing a decision on whether to have members "hitch rides on foreign warships due to a shortage of U.S. Navy vessels due to recent budget cuts."

Congressman Duncan Hunter called the proposition "almost embarrassing."

I'd take it a step further and say it's completely unacceptable.

The United States is facing dangerous threats from almost every region of the world. Between ISIS gaining members on a daily basis, a potential nuclear Iran , Russia's increasingly aggressive behavior and China's brazen cyber-attacks on U.S. government databases, now-- more than ever-- America must prove to the world she is a force to be reckoned with.

In the 1980's the U.S. Navy had over 550 ships. Now that number has dwindled to about 280.

I guess the motto "peace through strength" means nothing to the Obama Administration.
Plunder and Deceit
My good friend Mark Levin is back with a fantastic new book called, "Plunder and Deceit." This essential new book is, against all odds, a likeminded appeal to reason and audacity-one intended for all Americans but particularly the rising generation. Younger people must find the personal strength and will to break through the cycle of statist manipulation, unrelenting emotional overtures, and the pressure of groupthink, which are humbling, dispiriting, and absorbing them; to stand up against the heavy hand of centralized government, which if left unabated will assuredly condemn them to economic and societal calamity.

Levin calls for a new civil rights movement, one that will foster liberty and prosperity and cease the exploitation of young people by statist masterminds. He challenges the rising generation of younger Americans to awaken to the cause of their own salvation, asking: will you acquiesce to a government that overwhelmingly acts without constitutional foundation-or will you stand in your own defense so that yours and future generations can live in freedom?

To pre-order your copy, please click here.

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