Thursday, August 6, 2015


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter How will Trump do on Big Debate Stage? Donald Trump continues to dominate the 2016 GOP presidential field. In a brand-new national Fox News poll released last night, Trump is leading the pack with 26 percent. Fox News correspondent Carl Cameron joined Sean to discuss Trump's dominance thus far in the polls. "It's a record breaker. And there's been a lot of movement in our poll since the last one we had a month ago, Donald Trump leading with 26 percent. That's huge, and no candidate's gotten that high to this point," Cameron explained to Sean. Fox News contributor Michelle Fields felt Trump would do well in tonight's debate. " I think he's going to do great. I think he should go in there, be himself, talk like how he's been talking. People like that he sounds genuine, that he speaks from the heart, that he's not giving talking points. But also, he needs policy proposals. He needs more substance. So I think if he does that, he's going to be fine." To watch Sean's roundtable discussion on what to expect at tonight's debate, click here. Trump's Little-Known Advantage Political donations have always been a source of great debate in this country. I've always believed that our founding fathers knew freedom of speech was an integral part of the American experiment and financing that speech can be an important part of our election process. Something different is happening this year, though. When you look at the billions of dollars that are expected to be spent in the 2016 Presidential election, one candidate appears ready and potentially able to self-finance his campaign. That is Donald Trump. So what's different about a Donald Trump's campaign? For starters, Trump is not beholden to PACs where many rules limit the coordination between a PAC and the campaign. Also, Trump may be spending millions of dollars but nearly 40% of that money is being returned to him through his subsidiary companies. On the campaign trail, Trump flies on an airline he owns and stays in Trump-owned hotels. His self-financed campaign is actually cheaper than it would appear at face value. It would appear, from a financial standpoint, that Trump is easing into this campaign but if he finds himself in the lead by September, the flood gates could open up and the money could really start to flow. The race to November is going to be very interesting.

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