Tuesday, September 15, 2015


2 out of 100 Syrians entering Europe are ISIS Supporters
According to Front Page Magazine, an ISIS terrorist was arrested in Germany last week after posing as a refugee at one of the country's refugee centers: 

"According to a report carried by RTL's German language service, the terrorist is a 21-year-old Moroccan using a 'false identity' who had registered as an asylum seeker... He is accused of recruiting fighters for ISIS..."

 If that news isn't disturbing enough for you, consider the fact that the Lebanese Education Minister recently told UK Prime  Minister, David Cameron that two out of every 100 Syrians entering Europe are ISIS supporters.

The Obama Administration better think twice before allowing thousands of these migrants to enter the United States.
Fiscal Calamity?
A new report released by the Cato Institute shows that the federal debt held by the American public totals more than $13 trillion, or about $107,000 per-household.
The Washington Free Beacon reported today that the Cato study "suggests that growing debt, which has doubled over the past seven years, poses a burden on future taxpayers and could lead to a financial crisis."

Given that the U.S. government collected record-high tax revenue--$2.88 trillion to be exact-- in Fiscal Year 2015, it sure makes you wonder how the bureaucrats in Washington can get away with being so financially irresponsible with our hard earned money.

The United States is on a downward path to fiscal calamity all at the expense of you-the American taxpayer.

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