Monday, October 12, 2015


Liberals Aren't Going To Like The Latest Gallup Poll Results
Liberals aren't going to like the news from the latest Gallup poll. According to a survey of 1,025 adults, six in 10 Americans believe that the federal government has too much power. In contrast, less than one in 10 believe the government has too little power.

According to Gallup, this marks the third consecutive year in which Americans held this view, meaning the deepening distrust of big government correlates roughly to the start of president Obama's second term. The reason for the trend could be a growing dissatisfaction with the high-price/low-benefit policies of president Obama's first term.
LISTEN: Sean and Terry Jeffrey debate Sally Kohn

Despite the numbers, liberals continue to defend President Obama's big-government agenda.

"Obama got everything he wanted: he got a stimulus, son of stimulus, grandson of stimulus," Sean said to liberal commentator Sally Kohn and CNS News Editor in Chief Terry Jeffrey on Friday's Sean Hannity Radio Show. Sean continued, noting that Obama has "had more spending, he made promises on Obamacare that were just outright lies. We have tens of millions more Americans out of the labor force and tens of millions more Americans in poverty and on food stamps."

"This is his economy, his economic plan and what do we have to show for it, Sally?" Sean asked.

"The Republican agenda is to say "no" to things," Kohn responded. "You're complaining people are on food stamps, we should be able to agree that in bad economic times, we should be helping people who need it."

"We've gone from 30 million to 46 million people on food stamps," Sean fired back. "I judge compassion by getting people off food stamps.
Can Conservatives Work With Paul Ryan?
Although Representative Darrell Issa is himself weighing a bid for Speaker of the House, the California Congressman has given a boost to the potential Speakership of Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan.

"There's a broad consensus that we could work with Paul Ryan, that Paul Ryan would not have the same tin ear for some groups that Speaker Boehner and his staff have, over time, gained," Issa said on Friday's Sean Hannity Radio Show.
LISTEN: Sean's interview with Rep. Darrell Issa on Ryan for Speaker

While Issa believes that Paul Ryan could be the consensus builder who will garner the support necessary to win the speakership, the former Chairman of the House Oversight Committee doesn't believe he'll be perfect.

"I can't tell you absolutely that Paul Ryan is going to do everything right," Issa said. "If I were leading the charge on Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS challenge again, would I get the same kind of stonewalling and slowdown I got so often from Boehner's staff? Yes, I might," Issa admitted. "But I think I'd have a better chance of getting to Paul and saying 'this is a principled fight to hold the executive branch accountable and I need your support' and I think I would get it."

For his part, Sean continues to express reservations about Ryan, many of which are shared by other conservatives.

"A lot of conservatives are concerned about his position not only on the debt -as he's pretty much been the go-to guy for Boehner's economic negotiations-but on issues like immigration, and supporting TARP, and caps on CEO pay."

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