Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Trump Slams "Weak" Paul Ryan
Many in the GOP have been pushing for Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan to throw his hat into the ring for Speaker of the House. Conservatives, however, remain skeptical of the former vice-presidential candidate due to his support of TARP, caps on CEO pay, and Paul's soft stance on illegal immigration.

Today, you can add one more name to the list of critics: Donald J. Trump.

"I'm a little concerned about Paul because if you look his thing on illegal immigration he's very weak," Trump said of the Wisconsin congressman on Monday night's Hannity. "We have to have a border, we have to have a wall, we have to have people come in but they have to come in legally. He's very, very weak on that issue and that bothers me."
WATCH: Sean's interview with Donald Trump

Donald wasn't entirely negative, though. Trump did admit that even though he believes Ryan is unfit to be Speaker of the House, he thinks is the congressman is "a terrific guy."

So who would Trump support for Speaker of the House? When Sean asked, the billionaire real estate mogul didn't give any specific names.

"I have a few names but I don't want to use them now because I don't know if these people are interested or if they are they're certainly not putting their names forward."

Trump did, however, describe what he's looking for in a speaker.

"We need someone very, very tough, and very, very smart--it has to be a combination," he said. "If we don't get that," Trump warned, "it's problems."
Cringeworthy Audio: Man Asks Chelsea Clinton If Bill 'Targets Teenage Girls'
Chelsea Clinton is currently touring the U.S. in support of her new children's book, "It's Your World: Get Informed, Get Inspired, And Get Going." At a book signing in Austin, Texas, the daughter of Bill and Hillary was caught off-guard by a man whose questions were, let's just say, less than appropriate.

"Hey Chelsea, has your mother ever told you that you're the daughter of Webb Hubble," the man asked, referencing decades old rumors that Chelsea's real father is Arkansas lawyer and former Associate Attorney General Webster Hubble.
WATCH: Man asks Chelsea Clinton if Bill "Targets Teenage Girls"

"I am so proud to be my parents' daughter," Clinton responded.

The man continues by referencing the book's target demographic of teenage girls. He then asks, "would you say that Bill Clinton also targets teenage girls?"

Chelsea could be forgiven for flying off the handle. Instead, she took it all in stride and politely answered the man's question.
LISTEN: Sean's surprising take on how Chelsea handled her heckler

"I just find that so inappropriate, so over the top and mean and I think she handled it with a lot of grace," Sean said on Monday's Sean Hannity Radio Show. "I hate when people target the children of candidates."

"If you're ever thinking about getting into public office or anything you should study that little exchange," added Washington reporter Jaime Dupree. "There were so many opportunities for her to go off the rails or say something back that might have gone the wrong way and instead, she just kept her cool."

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