Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Bernie Sanders Finally Unloads On Hillary Clinton
Up until now, the contest between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination has been a fairly low-key affair. This week, it seems, Bernie has finally decided to take the gloves off against the former Secretary of State.

Specifically, Sanders is taking aim at Hillary's record of inconsistency on a number of issues.
WATCH: Bernie Sanders unload on Hillary Clinton's Flip-Flops

"I have been extremely consistent on my views for many, many years," Sanders said on Monday's Charlie Rose. "The Trans-Pacific Partnership, some people like it, some people don't."

"She described it as 'the gold standard'," added Rose.

"She described it as 'the gold standard', and I'm glad that years after I came out against it she said 'well, no I think it's a bad idea, Sander's continued.

On the Keystone XL pipeline, Sanders said, "I opposed that from the very, very beginning," adding that he's "glad that [Hillary] finally come around" to his position.

"In terms of Wall Street, you're looking at a guy who helped lead the opposition to the deregulation of Wall Street," Sanders added. "I'm glad that over a period of time Hillary Clinton has come up with some ideas about how you deal with Wall Street but frankly they don't go as far as they should."
Schools Ordered to Help Illegal Aliens, Hold "Undocumented Immigrant Awareness Day"
Remember when schools taught our children about reading, writing, history and arithmetic? Well, those days are in decline as the Obama Administration seeks to politicize every aspect of the education system.

Most recently--according to Judicial Watch - the U.S. Department of Education is pushing for schools to help illegal aliens hold "Undocumented Immigrant Awareness Day."

"In a 63 page 'Guide for Success' issued this month, the U.S. Department of Education directs teachers...to 'understand the cultural and educational backgrounds' of their students and to 'model multicultural sensitivity.'"

With the U.S. ranking 29th world wide in education (behind countries like Vietnam & Slovenia, by the way) shouldn't the Obama Department of Education focus more on educating and less on indoctrinating?

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