Friday, November 6, 2015


Fiorina Schools the Women of 'The View' Presidential contender Carly Fiorina finally had a chance to respond to the women of ABC's The View on Friday. Last week several of the commentators criticized Fiorina's looks, saying the former Hewlett-Packard CEO had a "demented" smile that looked like a "Halloween mask."
WATCH: Fiorina's exchange with women of 'The View' (Relevant audio starts at around 2:50)

Responding to Whoopi Goldberg, who claimed the comments aimed at Fiorina were meant to be humorous, Fiorina said, "If you meant your comment about my face being 'demented' and a 'Halloween mask' then so be it. I guess you misinterpreted Donald Trump's comments about my face and thought those weren't humorous because you sort of took him to task."

Joy Behar continued to defend her comments but co-host Michelle Collins did acknowledge that her "demented" comment was a poor choice of words.

"I have skin plenty thick enough to take what people throw at me," Fiorina continued. "I'm making a different point and the different point is this: I think that there are real issues in this nation that we aught to be able to discuss in a fact-based, civil fashion and frankly I don't think we talk that way enough."
Hannity Calls Out Abdul-Jabbar Over Carson Criticism
Former L.A. Lakers star Kereem Abdul-Jabbar recently published a piece in Time Magazine, in which he stated that Ben Carson would be terrible for black Americans.

"[Ben Carson] chose to run for president of the U.S., and that's bad for African-Americans," Abdul-Jabbar wrote. "His repressive, muddled and pious policies and opinions often run against our Constitution-but his questionable proposals will likely, thankfully, be doomed by his lack of political expertise."

Abdul-Jabbar also accused Carson of perpetuating a black stereotype of "opposition to science" and "someone who's too confused or frightened of all that complicated science."

"It's so rich," Sean said on Thursday's Sean Hannity Show. "You have a guy who was great at playing basketball for a living. Then you have a world-renowned brain-surgeon who did the most complicated surgeries, who was consulted on the most complicated surgeries and he's too frightened by all the complicated science to be president. Really? That's just dumb on the surface."

Sean addressed Abdul-Jabbar directly, pointing out the shortcomings of President Obama-who Abdul-Jabbar supports.

"Hey Kareem, excuse me, we've never had a lower [job] participation rate in the labor force than under Barack Obama," Hannity said. "We have more Americans in poverty under Obama, millions and millions more. We have more Americans on food stamps, Kareem, then ever before. Millions and millions more. Hey Kareem, median income has gone down under Barack Obama. Health care is soaring under Barack Obama. He's accumulated more debt, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, than every other president combined by the time he leaves office."

Sean also extended an invitation for Abdul-Jabbar to join him. "Come on the program Kareem," he said.

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