Friday, December 18, 2015


Sean Blasts Lindsay Graham's Apology To Muslims In Tuesday's undercard debate, South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham not only criticized frontrunner Donald Trump for his plan to put a moratorium on Muslim immigration into the United States, he also took the opportunity to offer an apology to the Islamic world.
LISTEN: Sean blasts Lindsay Graham

"Donald Trump has done the one single thing you cannot do, declare war on Islam itself," Graham said. "ISIL would be dancing in the streets, they just don't believe in dancing. This is a coup for them. And to all of our Muslim friends around the world like the King of Jordan and the President of Egypt, I am sorry, he does not represent us."

"Don't do anything on my behalf, thank you very much," Sean said on The Sean Hannity Show. "You can apologize for yourself, you sounded like Obama to me."

"You know, I'm going to make a prediction," Sean added. "Lindsay Graham is going to flip. Lindsay Graham is going to become a Democrat. Mark my words. As soon as it suits his best political interests he's going to flip."
Trump Responds To Praise From Vladimir Putin Russian President Vladimir Putin recently had some kind words for GOP Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump. According to TASS Russian News Agency Putin said, "he is a bright and talented person without any doubt. He is the absolute leader of the presidential race." Putin added, "he says he will want to reach another, deeper, level of relations [with Russia]. What else can we do but to welcome it? Certainly, we welcome it."
WATCH: Trump's reaction to Russian President Vladimir Putin's kind words

Donald Trump joined Hannity to give his reaction to Putin's praise.

"I welcome it, I think it's great, I think that's what should be happening," Trump said. "His dislike for president Obama, and it's a mutual thing, I think it's terrible, that's why you see all the conflict, all the problems, all the hatred. We should be able to work with him. If we can't work with Russia that's not a good thing."

"I'm greatly honored by his statement, i think it's terrific," Trump added.

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