Friday, December 4, 2015


If You See Something, Say Something...Unless It's A Muslim Residents of Redlands, California are in shock that two of their neighbors carried out the deadly shooting in San Bernardino that took the lives of 14 people and wounded 21 others on Wednesday.
WATCH:Robert Spencer discusses the chilling effect Political Correctness has had on Americans

Adding to the tragedy is a recent report that the attack might have been stopped were it not for political correctness. CBS Los Angeles reports that at least one Redlands resident was aware of suspicious activity:
A man who has been working in the area said he noticed a half-dozen Middle Eastern men in the area in recent weeks, but decided not to report anything since he did not wish to racially profile those people.

"We sat around lunch thinking, 'What were they doing around the neighborhood?'" he said. "We'd see them leave where they're raiding the apartment."

When combined with recent events including the incident at a Texas school where a young muslim student was detained for bringing what looked like a bomb into a school, some are beginning to wonder whether fear of being labeled racist is preventing people from reporting suspicious activity...(continue reading)
San Bernardino Police Officer Exemplifies Bravery During Tense Moment Every once in a while, we need to be reminded of just how brave our law enforcement officials are. During yesterday's shooting in San Bernardino, the actions and words of one officer is as stark a reminder as one can hope for.
WATCH:Police Bravery in Action

The video was taken by an individual inside the building in which the San Bernardino shooting took place. It shows a police officer escorting a group of innocent bystanders to safety. As the nervous bystanders file through the hallways with their hands above their heads, the officer tries his best to calm them.

"Try to relax everyone, try to relax," the officer said. "I'll take a bullet before you do that's for damn sure. Just be cool okay?"

The moment adds an exclamation point to the amazing job the first responders did during yesterday's attack.

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