Monday, December 7, 2015


Poll: Ben Carson Falls Out Of First Place in Iowa Iowa has a new leader amongst likely Iowa caucusgoers according to a new Monmouth University poll.
POLL: Check out the full results of the recent Monmouth University Poll

According to the poll, Texas Senator Ted Cruz has claimed the top spot with 24% of the vote, while Trump remains in second place with 19%. Rounding out the top 5 are Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, and Jeb Bush with 17%, 13%, and 6% respectively.

According to Monmouth University, Cruz' surge comes largely at the expense of Ben Carson, who has fallen off considerably since October when he led the pack with 32% of the vote.
Lawyers For San Bernardino Suspects' Family Make Bizarre Claims About 'Extremist Radical Christians' Despite the mounting evidence that last week's shooting in San Bernardino, California was carried out by a pair of radical Islamists, Syed Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik, attorneys for the family of the suspects are suggesting that Americans are rushing to judgement in calling the shooting an act of Islamic terrorism.

"There's never been any evidence that either of the two alleged shooters were aggressive, had extremist views," said attorney for the Farook family David Chesley. "When a Christian goes and shoots up a Planned Parenthood or when an extreme Catholic bombs an abortion clinic, all the headlines don't say, 'extremist radical Christian.'"
WATCH: Sean and Dr. Sebastian Gorka discuss the San Bernardino shooting

Attorney Mohammed Abuershaid also accused the FBI of harboring a anti-Muslim bias.

"I think every investigation the FBI does when it's involving a Muslim will involve some kind of terrorist investigation," claimed Abuershaid.

The FBI is now investigating the San Bernardino massacre that killed 14 people as an actor of terrorism. According to government officials, the pair extensively plotted the attack, stockpiling weapons and ammunition, and constructing multiple IEDs insider their Redlands, California apartment. An official also recently confirmed that Tashfeen Malik pledged allegiance to ISIS on a Facebook post as their rampage started.

Dr. Sebastian Gorka, terrorism expert and publisher of The Gorka Briefing joined Hannity to discuss the statements of the families lawyers.

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