Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Wny Terror Victim Nicholas Thalasinos' is a Hero Over the past 24 hours, we've learned a lot about Nicholas Thalasinos, one of 14 victims killed in last week's terrorist attack in San Bernardino. In addition to being a staunchly conservative and pro-Israel, we can now use another word to describe him: hero.
WATCH: Sean's full interview with Jennifer Thalasinos on Hannity

In a Facebook message to his wife, Jennifer Thalasinos, a co-worker described how, in Nicholas' final moments, he helped to save her life. The co-worker wrote:
I had not met your husband before. I only worked there seven months. We worked in different offices. I need to tell you he played a vital role in my survival. I laid on the floor next to your husband when he had already been injured, and his last words to me were to get under the table, which I did. I wanted you to know how great he was up until the last moment of his life. I am so sorry for your loss. My most sincere condolences. Please let me know if you need anything and God bless you.

"That gave me a lot of comfort," remarked Jennifer Thalasinos on Hannity. "I had said from the beginning when I found out that I knew my husband, the type of person he was, he would be trying to help other people."

Thalasinos also responded to the recent assault on her husband's character by members of the media. Linda Stasi, a writer from The New York Daily News, called Nicholas Thalasinos "just as bigoted" as the terrorists who killed him. Stasi also derided Thalasinos as "an anti-government, anti-Islam, pro-NRA, rabidly anti-Planned Parenthood kind of guy"...(continue reading)
America's Greatest National Security Threat...and It's Not ISIS Some new statistics suggest that the terrorist attack in San Bernardino might not have been an isolated incident. In addition to over 1,000 ISIS related investigations going on in the United States according to the FBI, The George Washington University's Program on Extremism claims that 71 people have been charged with ISIS related crimes since March of 2014, and at least 250 Americans have traveled overseas to fight alongside ISIS since 2011.
WATCH: Newt Gingrich slams President Obama on Hannity

Despite the clear danger ISIS and its sympathizers pose to the homeland, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich believes that there's a greater threat: the man who occupies The White House. On The Sean Hannity Show, Gingrich declared Obama to be, "the greatest national security threat to ever occupy the White House."

The former Speaker elaborated on his statement on Hannity.

"The danger from Islamic supremacists grows every year," Gingrich said. "I think sooner or later they're going to learn how to make biological, or chemical, or nuclear weapons or how to buy them or steal them. I think we have a risk of losing an American city. And I think you have a president who, for psychological reasons, ideological reasons, for whatever reason, is incapable of dealing with, recognizing, being honest about this threat"...(continue reading)

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